Michael's Higher Guide and
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church in Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 1st October 2009
"Change is certainly coming and it's about time to!
"Some sixty years ago, this country like most of the World was at war and I am sure that you will agree with me that there are many good reasons against war.
"And yet there are good things which only seem to happen to the human race in times of war.
"People don't help each other anymore.
"People don't stand together. They don't share what they have got. They want more and more.
"You only have to go out into the small towns, maybe like Seaford or Hailsham or Eastbourne and if you stop and watch people's body language, they are totally unaware of the other people that are around them and they don't care?
"They come out of the shops and slam the door behind them. They don't look to see if there is an old lady following them, who maybe needs help with that door.
"It's a tragedy that if you do hold the door open for somebody, that person says, "Good Heavens, there is a gentleman still left on the earth plane."
"It is so rare. We need to be aware of what is around us – not only of other people, but the atmosphere, the vibrations, the love.
"There is still love in this World.
"There are people who listen to their guides, who listen to Spirit, so that you will take home something from this service and think about it and you will say, "That's good and I must try and do that. I will do that, because it is right."
"People don't seem to bother about what is right and what is wrong. It's a sad society today that seems to spend so much of its time seeing if they can get away with it.
"We all know the difference between right and wrong, because 'God' gave us a conscience, but there are people who prefer not to listen.
"Children we know push the barriers. All the parents here will know and will remember when they had their children, those young beings, those young people, seeing how much they can get away with it. "I wonder whether Mum will notice."
"Now it's a different society. "I want. I demand. I must have the new shoes, the new video game, because everybody at school has got it."
"Where does the money come from? Soon the money is going to be short. A lot has been scooped away and poured down black holes. We have all heard about it.
"The bankers have said, "Oh, well we will cut down the bonuses just a little." They have signed up for something. Talk to the financiers, they will tell you. They are not giving away anything at all.
"Why should they? They never have. It's our money that they are dealing with.
"Money is nothing more than an energy. It's important to have it, but what you need is food and drink and shelter and love. All other emotions are negative.
"The 'Godhead', the Great Universal Divinity, made us in love and 'He' gave us love and it is still a wonderful thing no matter how dirty the word has become in the eyes of some people, who want to take photographs of young children, who want to rape women.
"And in case you don't know what this is about, this is greed, this is power and when things go wrong in our little communities, within our families, we must use the power of love that 'God' put inside us and stand up and say, "That's enough. That's wrong. I am not going to tolerate it."
"If we did that, if you always stood up for what is right, there would be no wrong. What a World that would be!
"That is how it is meant to be. I urge you to try and do that little bit more. Stand up and not pass by on the other, hoping that no one will notice.
"Because they all do it, but what is wrong in saying, "I'm here and that's not right."
"The more of us who stand up together, the stronger we are, so don't let's let anyone get maimed and trampled on.
"We don't have to do it in a nasty way. Just be firm and that's enough. Now we'll make this World a better place.
"The times are coming when we are going to have to work together like they do in Spirit.
"There isn't going to be enough money in this country to pay twenty million people, or how ever many there are, who refuse to work.
"If they won't work then they won't have anything, because they are going to see some very hard times, but those who have the right intensions, who have love in their hearts and are doing things for the right reasons will spiritually be looked after.
"So don't be afraid. It is those who are greedy, who are selfish, they are going to feel the pinch. So keep coming to Seaford , keep sitting in this wonderful energy that you have here.
"Enjoy and have these wonderful services and take some of it home. Have it and move on and let us all try and do a bit better for each other.
"God bless you all."
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