19 November 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex II


 Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service in Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 18th November 2012

 “Let joy abound.  If you are not happy, are you not dark within yourselves?  Is it not the lack of light that keeps you in the Darkness of Ignorance?

“Allow yourselves to smile.  Allow yourselves to be happy that you are not alone and that there are many, many people, who love you.  There are many people on this Earth who love you and you don’t even know they do.

“There are many people all around you, who have walked these paths and who have fallen into the pits of despair and who have had problems, just as you do.

“They too are all around you.  Those people, who have gone before us have to understand their lives, what they got right and what they got wrong.

“Recently a guide told us that it is not all about getting it right all the time, because we all get things wrong and as long as we learned from those things that we got wrong, then that’s alright, as long as we haven’t hurt anybody in the process.

“Learn from the good, from the difficult and the bad, from the not so easy.  All around us there are lessons to be learned.

“This world is going through a traumatic change.  It is almost as if our God Creator has said, “That is enough!  You have got it so wrong that you need a lot of help.”

“That help is being given now, because the energies from On High are coming down and are cleaning out the corruption, the wickedness and the self-opinionated.

“Those who have broken the Laws of this land and of Heaven; they are being cleaned and swept away.  They are very frightening times.

“You have to believe that you are going to be alright.  Do the people in Palestine think they are going to be alright?

“They are petrified with bombs falling all around, the treat of troops coming in – the only land and home that they have got being taken away.  The misery that they are forced to live in.

“It is not for me to judge one side from the other, but it does seem sometimes some people are trying to get over the holocaust and are inflicting it on somebody else.

“We all have to understand our own way – the true way.  We are given the gift to create thought.  Put those thoughts out to the people around the world, for the flowers, the forests and the animals that are being destroyed.

“They were given to us for a reason, because they hold medicine and oxygen – they clean the air, they produce what we need, they give us the protection around the Earth of the Ozone, so that the sun doesn’t burn us to bits.

“This is disappearing and the ice melts and nobody seems to be worried – just a few people here and there, who have green thoughts, green fingers and green minds.

“The people who can make the changes, the Governments and the politicians, what have they done in the years that have just gone?  Is anybody trying to stop this holocaust?

“That I doubt, but I do know one thing and that is that there is a great Power that looks over us and as long as we turn towards that Power and we allow that Power to put things right, Man’s mind will turn and the Earth will survive.

“It’s a beautiful abundant planet and I don’t want to have my signature on the death certificate of this wonderful life that I have been given on this earth plane.

“God bless you all.”

25 September 2012

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,  painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 23rd September 2012

“If you have been taking notice of what has been happening in the last twenty minutes since half past six, one word has been mentioned in every section of the service. 

“That word is love.  I am not going to disappoint you by talking about anything else.

          “I am going to start by telling you something that you don’t know, which I always think is a good idea.

          “Several years ago in the previous decade, today on bended knee I proposed to Jenny and she accepted me, otherwise we would not be here tonight.

“I mention this not to just show off that I am acceptable and loved, but to say to you, “Anniversaries – they are so very important.” 

“Don’t let your anniversaries slide away.  Remember them.  Your life here is made up of a sandwich of two anniversaries.

“Both of them are births.  We are born into this life.  We are born into the next life and in-between, there are a whole number of anniversaries, which you must remember and keep.  These are the milestones of your life.

“When you go through your second birth into Spirit, everybody can see you as spirit.  You are seen for what you are.  You are seen for what you have achieved.  You are known for what you have done.

“You don’t want to go up there and people think, “Is that all you did?”

“How terrible that would be.  If you achieved so little on this earth plane that people looked, I don’t think they would mutter and turn away, but they would certainly be sad.

“Our Lord Jesus is sad when we make mistakes.  He doesn’t condemn us.  He knows what it is like on this earth and he had to put up with all the difficulties that there are on this earth plane.

“I find it very difficult to think of anything, any of these difficulties that are not caused by Man.

“It’s no good talking about the volcano that goes off and kills people, the mud slide that comes down, the racket your neighbour makes.  Everything is down to the way that Man, as an individual or as a member of Mankind, behaves.

“The world is in a terrible mess – the stripping of the forests and the oceans and the lands and all the things that we were given to make our life pleasurable and happy and safe - the food and the water.

 “Jenny and I saw a First Nation American in Slovenia at a conference, which we were attending and one of the things he said, which I shall never forget, was that “One day, my father has told me, Man will even make you pay for water!”

“What are we doing with all those plastic bottles, but buying water because we don’t trust the quality of the water elsewhere.

“Now I started by saying that I was going to talk to you about love and I am now being negative and talking about the things that need putting right and in order to put them right we need love.

“I am going to talk for a moment, if you young people will forgive me, about four letter words – three four letter words: LOVE, HATE and FEAR.

“Those are the three biggest energies on this planet.  There is love, which is relatively small.   I am sure you all know it.  It is there and you also know fear and you know hate.

“The only thing that can remove fear and hate is love.

“Look at the Middle East – a classical example of fear and hate.  You don’t need to think of any particular nation, you can go to any one of them.  It is fear and hate that they are made up of – not love.

“Religions through the ages preach love and carry on with fear and hatred – hatred of other doctrines, fear that the congregations won’t come and they won’t do what they are told.

“Jesus came and he brought us love.  He demonstrated love to us in all that he did and all that he went through and he did much better than we will ever do, but that should not stop us from trying.  Try and bring love as your first emotion.

“When somebody pulls out in front of you when you are going down the road, don’t yell and scream and shout and hoot or whatever.  Think love.  He didn’t hit you, you didn’t hit him.  It was alright. 

“Why did that person do it?  Was he rushing off to see his mother, who had just fallen down the stairs?  We don’t know why…

“We know we are too busy to say that it was a stupid thing to do, but how are we to know that in similar circumstances we might have done the same or done worse.

“We all make mistakes. We all need that energy, which hopefully stirs us at least once in our lives of love.  It should be there all the time.

“We should be born to a mother who loves us and who we love and the family is looked after by the father, who we love and who loves us.  Through all the various stages of life, there should be love in its many, many forms.

“It is not only physical.  It is mental.  It is an energy and that energy is the biggest gift that God can give and he brings it into each and every one of us.

“It is up to us to use it and to expand it and to remove fear from our lives, to remove hatred from our lives and to allow everybody to see that we depend on love and by sharing and loving, the world would be a happier and a better place for us all.

“God bless you.”

11 June 2012

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 10th June 2012

“Children of God don’t be frightened by the words that have been read to you tonight (see Philosophical Readings at this site), but know that you are loved and that the Father Creator loves each and every one of his creations and that you are all good in his eyes.

          “You are spirit in human form and in that human form you make mistakes and errors and if you did not, you would already be part of the Godhead and a part of the creative process.

          “We are all here to learn lessons to move us along our progressive path, to make us better, to make us more understanding of the problems that other people face.

          “I am sure that you have all noticed that there times when people are in difficulty and you just don’t know what to say.

“There is a quietness within you and there are no words and that is nearly always because you haven’t had to go through what they are going through at that moment in time.

          “If you look at those people’s lives and compare them, you will find that the opportunities for learning and progression are very much the same.

“It doesn’t matter, in the spiritual sense, if one person has a great fortune, which they inherit and they may live in a big house and they may have servants.

“They may even be in charge of countries and people.  For those people, the lessons that they need to learn should weigh very heavily on their shoulders.

“When one comes into this world with advantage, one has to be responsible for the weight that that carries.  For most of us, we come in on a lower plane.

“We may think of ourselves as the little people, looking up at so many more, who know so much more, who are more powerful and who think they have all the answers.

“But very often they don’t know what is going on within.  If you look at the troubles of this world today, can you see God in the hearts of most of the people?

“In the banks, high up in the churches, high up in the Governments, the people in Europe, who are making decisions that are all going to affect our future.

“Can you really believe that they know about God, about the Great Universal Intelligence, about the things that we know?  Haven’t we more advantages than they have?

“Aren’t our shoulders a little lighter?  Are we going to turn in these difficult times ahead and survive and many of those, who will see the problems, who only want things for themselves and their own aggrandisement, who will turn themselves away, as they always have done, from the light and wisdom of the Godhead.

“They will not survive.  They will, in Biblical terms, perish.  In spiritual terms, they will leave this earth plane and find the darkness that they have brought upon themselves.

“But I want to leave you with some happier words, because we all chose the place where we go.  If you lead a life of darkness and don’t give a fig for others, then you are going to end up in the darkness of ignorance and have to fight, metaphorically, your way back into the light.

“We are all here because we believe and we have a greater or a lesser understanding, but all of you know you are where you are meant to be and, if you keep trying, you will end up where you are meant to be in the light and the love of the Spirit and to see all those who went before you and all those who came after, as long as you share love in our Father Creator.

“God bless you all.”

08 May 2012

Eastbourne, East Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church at Eastbourne in East Sussex on Sunday, 6th May 2012

“If the whole of life could be summed up in one word I would suggest to you that that word is ‘search’.  Search for what you want.  Search and you will find.

“There are so many people around today, who spend too much time in front of their computers, in front of the television, the victims of football or sport - anything that occupies their mind.

“They will not find anything, because they are not looking.  We have to search.  Jesus told us this so clearly and we all know the words.  “Search and you will find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

“But if we don’t bother we have only ourselves to blame and we are all heading towards a moment of life when we leave this earth plane and move on to life in another dimension.

“We walk through that door, the curtain parts.  There are many allegories about what it is and how it happens.  We have all lost somebody, who was very close to us and we’ve all been through that moment of suddenly knowing that they are just not there anymore.

“And yet they are!  If our senses are attuned and we search our thoughts and we put out thoughts about them.  How many times in the hours and days after losing somebody really close to us, have things happened that haven’t happened before?

“We hear thoughts in our minds and think, “That’s funny, but I thought that.” No!

“How many widows have said, “You know I had this thought and John could have said that?”

“How do you know that John didn’t say that?

“We are too busy locked into the box.  As somebody said, “What are we doing thinking in a box about what is outside.  Why don’t we get out of the box and see what is outside?”

“We are boxed in to so many things that we are taught at school, by the Church, by the Rules of Society, by the Governments, by what you will…

“What has happened to our own free thought that ‘God’ gave us?  Are we really using it?  Do we go to bed and turn off the light or reach for a book until it falls out of our hands and then go to sleep?

“Do we have time through the day?  Do we make time during the day to put our daily life aside and go into the quietness, the thinking, the going within ourselves and giving those souls time, who have moved on from this dimension into the next, a chance to communicate with us?

“Many have gifts.  Jenny and I have gifts.  We stand up here and we are talking to you, because we recognise our gifts and we love our gifts, because we use them to help people.

“You have all got gifts.  You may not have developed them as much as we have been able to, or how our guides have developed them with us, but we all have them.

“We all receive messages.  What do you do with those messages?  Do you stop and just think, “Oh, that’s funny!  Oh, that is surreal, it happened!” 

“It was real.  It happened.  There is no such thing as a coincidence.  Things really do happen and souls do give you messages.  I’ll tell you something that happened to me.

“The time, the first date I was going on to meet Jenny and I had that awful moment driving round the M25.  What do you do?  Do you put your arm round the lady?  Try and kiss her goodnight?

“You could ruin the whole relationship at that moment if you get it wrong.  Well, what on earth do you do?  How do you go about it?  You don’t know the person that well and so you don’t know how they are going to react!

“Suddenly I was driving in the outside overtaking lane of the M25 and I was following a Porsche and its number was XOK.  (Laughter)  That’s true!  It’s real.

“If you look for these things – look into sky and look at the clouds.  Don’t go there trying to make something happen.  Just look up and sometimes you think, “Good heavens that looks just like a bear” and that bear is meaningful to something that is meant for us.

“There are so many things.  You can be driving along the road and you say, “That’s funny.  The name on that lorry is the same as that person I met the other day.”  Is someone trying to tell you something?  So you can be certain that there are messages out there all the time.

“I am reading a wonderful book at the moment by a gentleman called Anthony Lawrence, no, sorry, Lawrence Anthony.  I beg your pardon.  It’s very confusing when people have two first names!

“He has died now, but he was a conservationist in South Africa and he bought an area of land that used to be used for hunting and he turned it into a conservation area.

“When he died, and this has been documented by a lot of people, when he died, for two days two herds of elephants that he had worked with and saved, came and stood outside his lodge to pay their tribute to this wonderful man.

“Now these animals don’t know anything, do they?  There is a wonderful piece in the book where he says, “I drove to get some peace and quiet, which I mainly get when I am around with the elephants.

“The matriarch was standing there when I arrived reading the newspaper.  The elephant had its trunk out and it was just sifting the air reading all the messages in the wind.”

“The first thing they do is to read the Obituary to see who’s died.  Then they read the Births to see who’s been born.  They can tell all these things on the wind.”

“They pick up vibrations through their feet and they can communicate with other herds many miles away.  They have a tummy rumbling on a certain vibrations and those rumble we can’t pick them up but they can.

“We have lost all these things, but these wonderful animals are being shot for their ivory, so that people in China can have something, which they probably don’t recognise the difference between ivory and plastic, so what does it really matter.

“Before long there will be no more elephants in South Africa and that is tragic.  The Rhino have almost gone just so some can have the tooth that they use for protection.  It’s just bone and fibre and has no medical properties whatsoever.

“Well, I am moving away.  What I want to say to you is, “Look.  Search.”  Don’t just read the newspapers or see the news and go, “Tut-tut.”

“Send out a thought.  Whenever you get the opportunity send them out and make a difference. Do it!  If we all did it the world would be a better place.

“As Red Cloud said in his Reading, we have got to send out positive thoughts to lift this negativity and abandon it, send it away.  We want the world to be a better place for those who come after us.

“Let us all remember to do the best we can.  It is all that is asked of us that we do our best.  Jesus is the miracle man.  Ask him to help.  We can’t do miracles, but we can recognise them when they happen.

“God bless you all.”

20 February 2012

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,  painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 19th February 2012

“There have been so many changes around the world.

“The cold weather of recent times, which has swept down from Siberia right across Europe and also came to our tiny island, which is on the edge of Europe, whether we like it or not.

“There have been many deaths in the hundreds and thousands, especially in Hungry, Ukraine and Poland, which have affected the old, the sick and the homeless.

“No matter how much these people have suffered, we are truly well off by comparison and we must really realise this.

“We have just come back from Switzerland and there due to the cold weather a water main exploded bringing ice and water, which closed the only bridge across the river in Geneva.

“It took four days to repair it and the traffic in this wonderful city was gridlocked, as people tried to find their way to work and also to the main railway station and the airport.

“The water from the lake was driven by high winds and swept over cars, benches and trees freezing immediately and covering them with ice.

“It all looked very pretty, but very cold.  We were told that it was the coldest for thirty years in some places and in Geneva, with the wind-chill factor; it was the coldest ever recorded.

“The winter time is used for reflection, while we sit by our firesides and understand where we have come from and what we have achieved and also look ahead.  It is our rest period.

“However it’s not always easy to understand where we actually are, because it all looks as though we are being buffeted around without any logical progression.

“It’s not always the case that as we try to travel from A to B in a straight line, we find that we have to go via C, D and E.  Sometime afterwards one can look back and say, “Oh, I was meant to go down that road I can see it now, that was all there so I could end up where I was meant to be.”

“When you are on that journey it is very hard to understand that you are just where you are meant to be.  You can feel the vibrations of problems battering you.

“You can’t sleep at night.  You wake up in the morning and you try and put them right.  You try and make changes and they don’t work out.

“But everything in our lives comes to us for a reason.  It’s no good blaming somebody out there saying, “Why have you dropped all this lot on me?”

“He does it very gently really.  If we didn’t have these terrible moments with all these problems, what would we learn in life?  We are only here for what – fifty or a hundred years?

“It’s nothing in the eons of time throughout the Universe.  It’s just like a holiday that’s gone so horribly wrong.  So when we leave let our hearts go on, as the words of the song that we have just sung tell us to do and of course they do.

“Our hearts go on.  We are only here for a short time in this physical body to experience, learn and move on.  Moving on is a sad time because for a short while we miss our friends and family and your love ones.

“It’s only like going away for a short holiday and coming back, because we are all going to meet up.  If we are all on the same vibration, on the same path, doing good things whenever we can then we are all going to end up in the same place.  We make the place where we go to.

“We can all think of certain people, leaders of oppressing countries that are slowly and gently being asked to move on.  As the Syrians are telling Bashar al-Assad that they have had enough – move on.  He will.

“It is because of the strength of the Spirit and good men that are making him do that.  He wants to do it the hard way.  He is oppressing his people.

“Aren’t we grateful we are not Syrians?  Are there any Syrian’s here?  If there are then we send God bless to your country.  You have suffered much like many people around this world.

“You can go back to Victorian England and all those people who suffered at that time, the poor people and the children, who were sent up chimneys to sweep those chimneys.

 “The servants were the lucky ones in the big houses.  They were protected and looked after.  Many people had hard lives.  I mention them not to give you a history lesson, but perhaps to say, “Are things really as bad as for other people?”

“Today in these countries or through history, we have many things to be grateful for and one thing that we have and will definitely happen and it is a major wonderful thing. 

“As we heard in the reading, spring is coming.  Whatever we do, however badly we behave the sun comes up in the morning.  The crocuses come up, the snowdrops are already here, the daffodils and narcissus will soon be out.

“Before we know it the bluebells will be out and it will be summer and then we will be saying, “We need the rain.  It’s so hot.” 

“But you won’t want to give up on winter will you?  Wintertime is for looking after yourself, looking at where you have been, what you have achieved and by the warmth of your fire at home or perhaps as you put your head on your pillow and thank the great Creator for all that we have that we could so easily be without as so many people are throughout the world.

“God bless you all.”