08 May 2012

Eastbourne, East Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church at Eastbourne in East Sussex on Sunday, 6th May 2012

“If the whole of life could be summed up in one word I would suggest to you that that word is ‘search’.  Search for what you want.  Search and you will find.

“There are so many people around today, who spend too much time in front of their computers, in front of the television, the victims of football or sport - anything that occupies their mind.

“They will not find anything, because they are not looking.  We have to search.  Jesus told us this so clearly and we all know the words.  “Search and you will find.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

“But if we don’t bother we have only ourselves to blame and we are all heading towards a moment of life when we leave this earth plane and move on to life in another dimension.

“We walk through that door, the curtain parts.  There are many allegories about what it is and how it happens.  We have all lost somebody, who was very close to us and we’ve all been through that moment of suddenly knowing that they are just not there anymore.

“And yet they are!  If our senses are attuned and we search our thoughts and we put out thoughts about them.  How many times in the hours and days after losing somebody really close to us, have things happened that haven’t happened before?

“We hear thoughts in our minds and think, “That’s funny, but I thought that.” No!

“How many widows have said, “You know I had this thought and John could have said that?”

“How do you know that John didn’t say that?

“We are too busy locked into the box.  As somebody said, “What are we doing thinking in a box about what is outside.  Why don’t we get out of the box and see what is outside?”

“We are boxed in to so many things that we are taught at school, by the Church, by the Rules of Society, by the Governments, by what you will…

“What has happened to our own free thought that ‘God’ gave us?  Are we really using it?  Do we go to bed and turn off the light or reach for a book until it falls out of our hands and then go to sleep?

“Do we have time through the day?  Do we make time during the day to put our daily life aside and go into the quietness, the thinking, the going within ourselves and giving those souls time, who have moved on from this dimension into the next, a chance to communicate with us?

“Many have gifts.  Jenny and I have gifts.  We stand up here and we are talking to you, because we recognise our gifts and we love our gifts, because we use them to help people.

“You have all got gifts.  You may not have developed them as much as we have been able to, or how our guides have developed them with us, but we all have them.

“We all receive messages.  What do you do with those messages?  Do you stop and just think, “Oh, that’s funny!  Oh, that is surreal, it happened!” 

“It was real.  It happened.  There is no such thing as a coincidence.  Things really do happen and souls do give you messages.  I’ll tell you something that happened to me.

“The time, the first date I was going on to meet Jenny and I had that awful moment driving round the M25.  What do you do?  Do you put your arm round the lady?  Try and kiss her goodnight?

“You could ruin the whole relationship at that moment if you get it wrong.  Well, what on earth do you do?  How do you go about it?  You don’t know the person that well and so you don’t know how they are going to react!

“Suddenly I was driving in the outside overtaking lane of the M25 and I was following a Porsche and its number was XOK.  (Laughter)  That’s true!  It’s real.

“If you look for these things – look into sky and look at the clouds.  Don’t go there trying to make something happen.  Just look up and sometimes you think, “Good heavens that looks just like a bear” and that bear is meaningful to something that is meant for us.

“There are so many things.  You can be driving along the road and you say, “That’s funny.  The name on that lorry is the same as that person I met the other day.”  Is someone trying to tell you something?  So you can be certain that there are messages out there all the time.

“I am reading a wonderful book at the moment by a gentleman called Anthony Lawrence, no, sorry, Lawrence Anthony.  I beg your pardon.  It’s very confusing when people have two first names!

“He has died now, but he was a conservationist in South Africa and he bought an area of land that used to be used for hunting and he turned it into a conservation area.

“When he died, and this has been documented by a lot of people, when he died, for two days two herds of elephants that he had worked with and saved, came and stood outside his lodge to pay their tribute to this wonderful man.

“Now these animals don’t know anything, do they?  There is a wonderful piece in the book where he says, “I drove to get some peace and quiet, which I mainly get when I am around with the elephants.

“The matriarch was standing there when I arrived reading the newspaper.  The elephant had its trunk out and it was just sifting the air reading all the messages in the wind.”

“The first thing they do is to read the Obituary to see who’s died.  Then they read the Births to see who’s been born.  They can tell all these things on the wind.”

“They pick up vibrations through their feet and they can communicate with other herds many miles away.  They have a tummy rumbling on a certain vibrations and those rumble we can’t pick them up but they can.

“We have lost all these things, but these wonderful animals are being shot for their ivory, so that people in China can have something, which they probably don’t recognise the difference between ivory and plastic, so what does it really matter.

“Before long there will be no more elephants in South Africa and that is tragic.  The Rhino have almost gone just so some can have the tooth that they use for protection.  It’s just bone and fibre and has no medical properties whatsoever.

“Well, I am moving away.  What I want to say to you is, “Look.  Search.”  Don’t just read the newspapers or see the news and go, “Tut-tut.”

“Send out a thought.  Whenever you get the opportunity send them out and make a difference. Do it!  If we all did it the world would be a better place.

“As Red Cloud said in his Reading, we have got to send out positive thoughts to lift this negativity and abandon it, send it away.  We want the world to be a better place for those who come after us.

“Let us all remember to do the best we can.  It is all that is asked of us that we do our best.  Jesus is the miracle man.  Ask him to help.  We can’t do miracles, but we can recognise them when they happen.

“God bless you all.”

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