06 July 2015

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex II


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 5th July 2015

“Give to each other.  Hold back nothing that you can spare.  It is no use having a garage or an attic full of things that you haven’t used in years, while many millions of people are without, in camps and desolation around the world.

“Some are even getting on boats, which are unworthy of going on the sea to try and escape from the misery, poverty and cruelty in which they find themselves.

“What you may have in your attic may help these people.  In Syria and in Iraq during the winter they are in little tents with snow and ice, precious little electricity, precious little food and water and often no education for their young ones.

“There are organisations, who are supposed to be helping and many are doing their best, but in order to do enough a lot more has to be done.

“Organisations like the United Nations, who sit on their hands in New York and discuss these things and do nothing.  America supposedly the richest country in the world, although I believe that is being challenged, still controls politically great swathes of the world.

“They pay for the United Nations and it is not what they do, it is what they are told to do, what they are paid to do and what they are not allowed to do for political reasons even though hundreds of thousands of people are suffering.

“As you may know they even introduced disease to Haiti and they sit on their hands and they say, “Oh, it is not our fault.  You can’t blame it on us – talk to our lawyers.”  How can the poor and ill in Haiti afford lawyers to get the UN to put right the mistakes that they made?

“This is not a party political broadcast.  It is a message from the Spirit Realms to remind you that the world is not perfect and for a long time to come never will be.

“But we each have a responsibility.  You were given life by our great Creator and we are continually in his love and we have a message to love our neighbours and to make the world a better place because we came.

“To do that we need to do, look into our hearts, look into our minds and really be sure that we haven’t walked by on the other side.  It is so easy in this modern world because everybody is so busy.

I have the children to pick up from the party.  I must take them here and there and the shopping has to be done.  There is so much to do.  So we have to make a space.

“We have to feel charity in our hearts and we have to know that we want to do something, even if it is only to clean out the attic and give some things to the Red Cross to try and help others.

“These people you will never meet, but, heaven forbid, if we come on hard times and we’ve done nothing, how can we expect help?

“We all want it.  We are in a privileged country, which has lots of ways of keeping us going.  Those countries don’t have it.

“So I ask you, look into your hearts.  See the words and the warnings and do your best to love your neighbour and to make this world a better place.

“God bless you all.”

09 February 2015

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex I


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 8th February 2015

“It is indeed good to be here and it is indeed good of you to come.  Without your presence it would be a very lonely evening for ‘Us’ having travelled so far through the eons of time where we normally reside.

“The Spirit World in some ways is very close to you and in others it is very far away.  It is the difference between the physical and the spiritual.  The physical is fine – you can touch it, you can see it – you know what is there.  You know when are comfortable.  You know when the seat is uncomfortable.  That’s the physical.

“In Spirit everything, once you have addressed your mistakes and errors and moved into what some people call the Summerland, the land of sunshine that comes directly from the Creator, where is no time, no darkness, no negativity and everything is as perfect as you could possibly want it, because where you find yourself is what you have earned on this earth plane.

“If you have looked after others, you have helped those that are homeless, those who are bereaved and those that are ill.  So many people have burdens to carry.  If you have helped them you will have earned yourself a more lovely and more generous place to go to in the Kingdom of God.

“We send out in the Spirit World from our own services that we hold, like this one, where we come together and we pray not to make amends, but to give our thanks to our Creator for the joy that he has given to us in creation and love and harmony, as we all exist as one in peace and, if you think back to the words that you all sang a few moments ago, “There is no Heaven.  There is no Earth.  There is no Hell.”

“It is all one perfect place where every soul comes together without conflict, but in love, harmony and peace and all they want out of life is to make others happy and to do good.

“Then you perhaps you turn the other side of the coin, which perhaps for this example you may think is this earth plane and do you find the love and the healing and the generosity of Spirit?

“The perfection that our Creator gave to all of us, when we were first made.  Is everybody on this planet doing their bit to make Heaven on Earth?

“Sadly I think not, but there are many who try and who struggle.  Doctors, who give up their time to go and work regardless of frontiers and borders, regardless of their patients being black or yellow or rich or poor, but they just need someone to do something for them and they are happy to do it.

“They set a wonderful example and there are many and I am sure sitting here there are unsung heroes amongst you that you may not recognise, because, although you may meet up, you don’t always know what good other people get up to as well.

“Don’t be afraid to do your bit.  Don’t be afraid to help.  Don’t worry what other people might say.  “Oh, she is a stupid woman.  Did you see her help that poor creature in the wheelchair?”

“That is the wrong attitude.

“Well done!  Let somebody come and help as well.  Maybe that person, next time she sees someone in trouble in a wheelchair or not, should step off the kerb and help them.

“We all need help.  We all need love.  We do not need fear and hatred and greed and corruption.  That needs to be exposed and extinguished.  We can’t all do that, but we can send out our thoughts and our prayers.

“We can in our own little way when we see an opportunity to do something good, to do it.  Not to walk by thinking, “I wonder if I should have done something about that?”  

“No, you should have done it and when you have and you go home and you think, “I’m glad I did that.”  It makes you feel good, because you know that you listened to your conscience.

“It is after all the words of your Creator trying to guide you into a better way of life for yourself and for your fellow beings.”

“Don’t forget.  It’s been said to you now.  It is so easy to walk away and forget what went on here this evening.  May you all go home with something special that you’ve learnt from the Spirit, who love you all so well. 

“God bless you all.”