29 March 2011

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 27th March 2011

"It is a time of joy and miracles and the warmth of the sun has shone down and bedecked the boughs and bulbs that are putting forth their leaves and flowers for our joy and so another miracle of spring has burst forth.

"Another spring, spring is always a miracle as we go through the winter with sadness and the cold, the illness and the wet and the dampness that gets into our bones.

"Any excuse to paint our souls a darker colour than they really are and then suddenly there is a moment when you look out in your garden, over the countryside and over the great beauty spots like Ashdown Forest and Box Hill and the Lake District.

"There is always a moment every year when you look out and say, "It's spring!  God has given us another spring."

"The change from the old has burst forth with this new change of life.  Everything comes to life.  The struggles that you had during the winter are over, if you let them be over.

"If you hang on to the struggles of the past they will always be with you.  The need that you can conquer – the need that you are not alone and know that there is a greater power that has gifts to give you and you are formed beyond the acceptable.

"We put out our hands and say, "Please God may I have?"  Do we do it with the right intentions?

"Do we just want a new car because they have one next door?  Do we want a new television, because we can't be bothered to go into another room to watch it?

"Do we want things because we want them to bedeck ourselves with stones and clothes, so that other people can say, "Oh, they are doing well.  Don't they look nice"?

"But it is better if people look into our hearts and faces and see in our eyes that lightness of our soul and our hearts within, knowing that within us is love, which we want to give out to all that we meet.

"Wherever they come from, whatever colour their skin may be, whatever their level of education is, whatever the wealth that they have in their homes, whatever cars they drive, they are all God's children and deserve our love.

"And do we need all these trappings to say, "Aren't I doing well?"

"Not a single one comes with us when we move on in life.  We cannot take all these things.  We do not need all these things.  We are down here for an experience.

"Our souls, our essence, whatever you call this thing inside this physical body, which is the real you that is to experience all the things around you and that is changed by your experiences and is changed so that you understand what you have been through.

"There is not a single person in this hall tonight, who has not suffered and known what it is like to have hardship in whatever shape that may be given, because we are not down here to go partying.

"We can enjoy ourselves as long as it doesn't affect other people, but we are here to experience and as the experience happens it comes into everybody's lives.

"You can look at the rich and famous and say, "Well, they are all right, they don't have to suffer."

"But you watch.  Either they don't have love in their lives or they don't have health.  There is always something for everybody.

"God is good, but that doesn't mean that he wants us to have an easy ride along this pathway, because otherwise when we go back, and there is a back, and there is a confrontation when we come and people say to us, "What have you done?  What have you learned?  Was your life worth it?"

"And we must be ready for that and if we start thinking about it now, so it is easier when the questions arrive.  We are not here to just enjoy.

"All the physical and wonderful things that there are tempting us in the shops and yet it is all about people and love and what we can do to help.  What we can share.

"If you watch the news and look around the world at the moment, it is in turmoil.

"The physical disasters that have happened in Australia, Japan and now the Middle East where they are fighting because some people want to control people who don't want to be controlled, who have at last woken up and said, "I've got food.  I've got a job", not all of them have but a lot of them have, but what have they not got – freedom.

"Now we take that for granted.  You are free to come here tonight.  You are free to listen to the words that I speak.  You are free to say, "I don't like what you say" and to walk out.

"There are a lot of people in the world today, who can think but not to put it into words or actions, because they would physically have to suffer and their families would physically have to suffer.

"So let us enjoy what we have, what is all around us, the beauty of the flowers of the blossoms as you drive along the road as you go home and you will see tomorrow the flowers in your garden.

"Wonderful and beautiful reminders of the goodness of Almighty God, who made all these things happen, because he made the coin that has all these good things on one side and he allowed the other side to fill with things that would give us  experience.

"All this experience means that we are better able to cope and to help others.  None of us like the hardship.  None of us like the pain, but isn't wonderful when it stops!

"When you have conquered what was really getting at you. Look into your own hearts.  See what is good for you.  See what is good for those around you and give out love and compassion.

"All that we have and all the progression that we are asked to make so that we are better people and we can love more and to help more in this world.

"God bless you all."

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