22 March 2010

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 21st March 2010

"We need to give to those who are in need and we should know who those people are.  There are a lot of people who are in need at this time.  Just look around you and see who is deserving.

"Please look in your garages and your attics and see what you do not need, because many of you have things that have been gathering dust for a very long time and to give them to somebody who really does need a new coat, because they are cold – not because it is fashionable to have another one.

"We must all look to ourselves.  We must all look within and we can feel that warmth when we do things for those who need.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to put your hands into your pockets.  A smile – a smile cheers many people.  You greet somebody with a smile in the morning and they smile back.

"It breaks that stubborn countenance on their face and we feel better, so if they go round the corner and they see somebody else with a stubborn face and they smile and your ripple effect has started.

"Now there are two people going around smiling and eventually the lightening of the energies around Crawley and Gossops Green will become better and people will feel better, simply because you went out of your house this morning and smiled at somebody who is in need.

"They may only be in need for your ear.  Some of the older people, who nobody listens to anymore, have sad things in their hearts. 

"They have memories that they want to pass on and we are all too busy rushing around grandly, trying to put a quart into a pint pot every day and don't listen to other people and what they had.

"I am not talking about the neighbour who is sees you come outside your front door with the latest gossip.  Not gossip, but people who want to unburden something that has hung heavy on their hearts for a long time.

"The man who had to fight during the war, there are few of them about now, but sometimes they like to talk about it.  Not to show off, but to let people know what it was like in the war.

"I am not in favour of war, but when you look at the good things that happen in the Second World War when people looked around and worked as one together and shared what they had and everybody was one big family.

"They are too many people around who don't look around.  They have their little close-knit family.  It is all they are interested in.  You come out of the bank and a woman in front of you slams the door in your face and didn't even know you were there!

"But you might be an old lady with a stick, who would really appreciate that door being held open at just that moment or a pregnant lady who is carrying her first child and somebody blows their filthy cigarette smoke in her face.

"Because that will go into her lungs and into her body and into her unborn child, but somebody wasn't thinking.  They were too busy doing what they want to do.

"We must all start thinking about the effects of what we do on other people, because that is what God is all about.  It is what we do, not for ourselves, not for our own gain but what we do unconditionally.

"We must bear in mind what our actions mean to them – if we hurt them or if we make them smile.  Let's hope we make them smile and make them happy and then the more of that that we do there more people will be doing it.

"Then the vibrations of this very sad Earth will raise up and move towards the Light.

"God bless you all."

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