31 January 2011

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 30th January 2011

"The world is indeed in great turmoil at this time.

"Not only are there natural disasters occurring all around the globe, but there is unrest and unsettlement.

"The masters have asked too much of their charges and the people are beginning to have the courage to stand up and demand what is their right.

"For too long dictators and leaders have not thought about the people, but have thought about themselves and what they can make out of it.

"You only have to look at the presidential palaces around the world – in Iraq, in Egypt, in Ancient China.

"The people, the true working people like we all are, have had a very, very rough deal.

"For a long time religions have persecuted other belief systems.  Tolerance was a word not in their dictionary.

"In Christianity a lot of churches have forgotten who gave them the name of Christian.

"Jesus said, "Go out and heal."

"So few churches, for all their might and their towers and their spires and their expensive robes and their vast amounts of money that they have tucked away, are not allowing healing of the people within those houses.

"The countries that are so dependant on the bishops and the upper echelons have children running around without shoes on their feet, so many without food and water and shelter.

"Yet in the higher places you don't see many 'skinny' bishops.  They have enough, but do the people have enough.

"This has got nothing to do with Communism.  I am talking about equality.  We all come down here with certain rights.

"A right to have enough food, to have shelter, to have water, to be able to do enough to make a living and yet there are so many instances where poverty and squalor abound, even in very rich nations and those held by certain religions.

"It is very easy to stand here and criticise.  I do not want you to think that I am against all people who rule in whatever form, because there are some wonderful genuine people.

"Mandela is back from hospital – may he live for many years.  Maria Teresa in Calcutta – we all have our favourites, who have done so much to help to balance the equality of people and wealth.

"Wealth on this earth plane is really of such limited use, such limited value.  The old expression, "You can't take it when you go" is so true.

"It is far more difficult for those who have a lot to deal with it properly to help others.  Some people do, most do not.

"But we all need a certain level to exist.  We all need enough and while this world is sorting itself out with a lot of guidance from the Laws of Cause and Effect, which at last are turning in favour of the people, when they have enough courage to stand up and say, "Enough is enough."

"When these things happen and when the economies of the world are not looking so clever and when we all need help and guidance, please let us remember that the little things that we do are enough.

"We don't have to make big waves unless you came in a Roller tonight in which case you have more substance, therefore your waves can be larger and should be larger.

"But, as normal down to earth people, look after your friends and your neighbours and your family – don't walk by on the other side.

"You will find it very crowded.  Most people are walking by on the other side.

"There aren't enough people on this side, who will give a little time, a little help, a little guidance to the many and growing numbers of people who need a helping hand.

"Look into your hearts at those moments, when you are thinking, "Oh, I can't stop and do anything I have got to be at shops, I have got to pick up the children from school, I've got to be at work.  I can't stop to help that person."

"As you rush on just stop and think, "Am I doing the right thing?  Am I really doing what Master Jesus was talking about – what he preached?  What my Creator put me down here to do?"

"Let us all look within ourselves and see that we are doing the right thing, so that when we come out of body and we go to this life review that will be put in front of us that we are not going to be frightened of it.

"We won't have got all things right, but at least we will have tried our best.  No even 'God' asks us to do more than we are able to do.

"God bless you all."

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25 January 2011

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers 

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light in Tunbridge Wells, Kent on Sunday, 23rd January 2011

"The new life is just around the corner.

"We know it is there, because we know that we can do better and when we have got rid of those difficulties that are holding us back – relationship, exams, a relative who we have to give time to to look after.

"When we can move these things out of the way, we know we will turn a corner and lead a better life and be able to help more people, have some time for ourselves and do all those things that we really want to do, but we are much too busy in this modern world rushing around doing things of that have been forced on us.

"They may have been forced on us by our own mistakes and our own errors. They may just have been put there to see how we cope.

"A lot of people are going through a lot of situations at the moment that they thought that they would never have to put up with – redundancies, a mortgage to pay, another child on the way. How are these things going to work out?

"We always seem to be looking forward at a mountain that we have to climb and when we get to the top we are certain that we are going to look out over the promised land into that new life, but so often when we get there, there is another mountain ahead of us.

"It is as though 'God' is playing tricks on us. "Look, they have cleared all that space in their lives, now how are they going to cope with that?"

"So something else comes in our way. This new life, which is round the corner, we can't quite get to it.

"The street almost seems to be made of elastic or to put it another way, the carrot on the end of a stick is getting further and further away, the faster we go towards it.

"But that is life. We didn't come down here to have an easy time. We think that we want an easy time, but if our minds could clear and we would be allowed to see why we came and what we set out to do, then perhaps we would understand why we are going through these terrible things.

"Everybody when they pass, when they come out of body and into the next spirit level, I am quite sure that we will all be able to talk to each other and say, "Tell me about your life.

"Good heavens, all these things that you have been through and I have been through those and there are an awful lot of equal signs."

"They come in a different order. They come in different magnitudes, but we all lose people that we love. We all have health issues.

"Why on earth should I be struck down with that? Why should Uncle Tom be suffering? Why is that poor dear, who is ninety-five and has been ready for the last twenty-five years, she only wanted to go because her husband went before her.

"She has passed her sell by date. We all feel a bit like that sometimes. I had a magical birthday last month. I know it was a magical birthday because it had a nought on the end. (Laughter)

"But it didn't make any difference. I didn't feel any different the night before or the night afterwards. I am still old and wrinkly and tired and aching and wish that I could have an easier path to go down.

"I am very fortunate, because whatever else I haven't got I have love in my life. Jenny and I are rich beyond compare because we love each other and everything we do we go through together.

"Not everybody has that and we both had two goes at it before we got involved together, so it's not easy. We were brought together – spiritually we were brought together.

"We know because my previous wife told me and showed me a picture of Jenny eighteen months before we met. Six months after she died I saw this lady and was told that we would meet and that we would marry.

"And Jenny's guide Mustafa told her fifteen months before we met that this man was going to come into her life and she said, "Well how am I going to find him?"
He said, "Don't worry. He will ring up and walk up to your front door."

"This is exactly what I did, because I had been recommended to have a sitting with her.

"We have to recognise that on this bumpy road, rather like walking through the dessert I imagine, there is always a sand dune in front of you and when you clamber up there is another one and the oasis isn't in sight.

"But you know there is one, because there has to be one. If there is no oasis, if there is no pot of gold, if there is no afterlife, we are wasting our time down here.

"All the experiences that we are going through – the hurt and the heartache, it is not just to make us better people. It is so that we can help other people and say, "I know what you going through. It's like this. I've been there. I had a drug problem".

"It doesn't have to be cannabis. It can be alcohol or tobacco. They are still drugs, in excess they are dangerous.

"We have all lost somebody who we love and it is very, very difficult to fill that void. Suddenly you are on your own and half your body's gone.

"If I lost Jenny I don't think I would cope. I've lost my wife previously. We were very close and it took a long time to come to terms with the fact that I had lost her earthly love.

"It took me a long time to realise that I still had her spiritual love, because we still think in the physical. We are still a little mind, our existence within this physical body, tightened up and we can't expand it until we leave this body.

"Then I believe we go into a spirit world, where our minds can expand and all those things that we've saved and can't see and can't understand at this time will become apparent to us.

"We will be able to look back at our lives. Rather like a period in school. We have various lessons that we have to learn, things that we have to go through and when we look back later on, I believe that we will be able to understand what we went through, why we went through it and what we were supposed to do down here to make a difference to all those other souls who we meet on this pathway.

"Most are struggling to go up these hills. Most are hoping that there is a new life around the corner. Of course there is a new life around the corner.

"There is a better life around the corner, but we have to take that first step towards it and grab it and say, "I am going to be better."

"Not when all these things happen, when the breakthrough occurs, when the miracle comes into my life - when I win the Lottery, when suddenly this handsome man sweeps me off to the Bahamas for the rest of my life.

"When I have all these things then I can be good, then I can help and once I have time, once I have paid the mortgage off, once I've finished at school.

"Whatever those things are, it's no good waiting. You have got to take the first step and be brave enough to speak to our guides, to the Lord Jesus, to 'God' Almighty, who ever you send out your thoughts to.

"I don't say 'prayers', because some people in this day and age deny saying prayers.

"It's religious. I don't have anything to do with religion. I'm spiritual. I don't need the Church."

"It doesn't matter. It's the same thing, the same theme – if you are lying in bed, if you are kneeling at the altar, if wherever you are, you are sending out your thoughts to the Universe and they do go out.

"Thoughts continue on, as far as I know forever more. They go through the Universe, they go to the guides and they go to the Creator, the great wisdom, the great love that we all acknowledge.

"In our heart of hearts we know that he is there, because it is unthinkable that he should not be there and we are all wasting our time down here trying to live a good life – and then the undertaker takes us away and that's it.

"What an awful waste of time. It's like going on holiday and sitting in the bedroom all the time with the curtains drawn saying. "Oh I don't want to go out there I might not like it."

"You have got to get out there. You have got to see what is out there for you. You have got to take your opportunities, because all these hills and mountains which we have to go up are opportunities to make us better, so we can help more people and understand with them what the negative fears and anxieties in this world are all about.

"Because in the next life, in the new life, when we have our spirit bodies and we have reached that place that by and large is called the 'Summerland', because it's always perfect, it's always summer because we are all living in the life force of the Creator.

"There everybody loves everybody else and can see what they have done and what they are. What they have achieved – not badges, no tick boxes, but just, "You did well. You did all those things.

"I wish I had done as many. I wish I had been as good. I wish I had achieved more."  Now is the time to achieve, when things are hardest.

"Don't give up. Ask for help and help others. Bless each other. Hold each other up. You can get there. 'God' didn't allow us to come down here just to waste time.

"Take his love, his wisdom and use it. Make a difference in your lives, so that the place is better because you came and think of all those people who are going through much worse things than we are.

"Queenslanders who have lost their homes, Sri Lanka they have had floods and South America, where there are natural disasters.

"Haiti is still trying to get over a year back. I wouldn't be surprised if in New Orleans they haven't yet got their lives back yet.

"We are doing quite well really. If we have a roof over our heads, have enough food, got enough water and we are loved, then really we have got enough to put out our hands to everybody and say, "Can I help?"

"Don't let that old lady fall on the banana skin. It's not funny to her. Give her a helping hand, because you never know the following day you may need that helping hand and you've earned yourself a Brownie point and there will be an angel to hold you up.

"Look on the bright side. Things could be worse. They probably will be, but then we have more to achieve together as one.

"God bless you all."

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