25 September 2012

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,  painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 23rd September 2012

“If you have been taking notice of what has been happening in the last twenty minutes since half past six, one word has been mentioned in every section of the service. 

“That word is love.  I am not going to disappoint you by talking about anything else.

          “I am going to start by telling you something that you don’t know, which I always think is a good idea.

          “Several years ago in the previous decade, today on bended knee I proposed to Jenny and she accepted me, otherwise we would not be here tonight.

“I mention this not to just show off that I am acceptable and loved, but to say to you, “Anniversaries – they are so very important.” 

“Don’t let your anniversaries slide away.  Remember them.  Your life here is made up of a sandwich of two anniversaries.

“Both of them are births.  We are born into this life.  We are born into the next life and in-between, there are a whole number of anniversaries, which you must remember and keep.  These are the milestones of your life.

“When you go through your second birth into Spirit, everybody can see you as spirit.  You are seen for what you are.  You are seen for what you have achieved.  You are known for what you have done.

“You don’t want to go up there and people think, “Is that all you did?”

“How terrible that would be.  If you achieved so little on this earth plane that people looked, I don’t think they would mutter and turn away, but they would certainly be sad.

“Our Lord Jesus is sad when we make mistakes.  He doesn’t condemn us.  He knows what it is like on this earth and he had to put up with all the difficulties that there are on this earth plane.

“I find it very difficult to think of anything, any of these difficulties that are not caused by Man.

“It’s no good talking about the volcano that goes off and kills people, the mud slide that comes down, the racket your neighbour makes.  Everything is down to the way that Man, as an individual or as a member of Mankind, behaves.

“The world is in a terrible mess – the stripping of the forests and the oceans and the lands and all the things that we were given to make our life pleasurable and happy and safe - the food and the water.

 “Jenny and I saw a First Nation American in Slovenia at a conference, which we were attending and one of the things he said, which I shall never forget, was that “One day, my father has told me, Man will even make you pay for water!”

“What are we doing with all those plastic bottles, but buying water because we don’t trust the quality of the water elsewhere.

“Now I started by saying that I was going to talk to you about love and I am now being negative and talking about the things that need putting right and in order to put them right we need love.

“I am going to talk for a moment, if you young people will forgive me, about four letter words – three four letter words: LOVE, HATE and FEAR.

“Those are the three biggest energies on this planet.  There is love, which is relatively small.   I am sure you all know it.  It is there and you also know fear and you know hate.

“The only thing that can remove fear and hate is love.

“Look at the Middle East – a classical example of fear and hate.  You don’t need to think of any particular nation, you can go to any one of them.  It is fear and hate that they are made up of – not love.

“Religions through the ages preach love and carry on with fear and hatred – hatred of other doctrines, fear that the congregations won’t come and they won’t do what they are told.

“Jesus came and he brought us love.  He demonstrated love to us in all that he did and all that he went through and he did much better than we will ever do, but that should not stop us from trying.  Try and bring love as your first emotion.

“When somebody pulls out in front of you when you are going down the road, don’t yell and scream and shout and hoot or whatever.  Think love.  He didn’t hit you, you didn’t hit him.  It was alright. 

“Why did that person do it?  Was he rushing off to see his mother, who had just fallen down the stairs?  We don’t know why…

“We know we are too busy to say that it was a stupid thing to do, but how are we to know that in similar circumstances we might have done the same or done worse.

“We all make mistakes. We all need that energy, which hopefully stirs us at least once in our lives of love.  It should be there all the time.

“We should be born to a mother who loves us and who we love and the family is looked after by the father, who we love and who loves us.  Through all the various stages of life, there should be love in its many, many forms.

“It is not only physical.  It is mental.  It is an energy and that energy is the biggest gift that God can give and he brings it into each and every one of us.

“It is up to us to use it and to expand it and to remove fear from our lives, to remove hatred from our lives and to allow everybody to see that we depend on love and by sharing and loving, the world would be a happier and a better place for us all.

“God bless you.”

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