Michael's Higher Guide and
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 18th October 2009
"The time is here. There is no more time.
"You have got to decide whether you are going to do what Spirit are urging you to do so that God can give you the blessings that He wants you to have or are you going to walk away, turn your back and not be counted.
"All around the World there are huge changes taking place. Changes are happening within this country and changes are coming into your lives.
"The impossible is going to be possible on a scale that you never thought could happen.
"Peace is coming to areas of the World where men are bickering and are greedy for what the other has.
"Already moves have been put in place and you will find in the coming months that in the Middle East , the hotbed of religious fanaticism, where God is not understood, because they both behave so badly.
"There is an influence that is going to come there that will make them, and will almost knock their heads together, so that they cannot continue squabbling.
"All around the World, in this material life in which we live, the world of matter, spirituality and love have been squeezed out.
"The minority come and seek the aid of the Voice of Spirit. The majority are too busy enjoying what they have and hoping for more – more which they may not even need, more that could help other people far more.
"We must start looking for the greater good, not for our own pockets, not for our own cupboards to be filled knowing that others are going empty.
"People all around this World came into a body as a creation of the Universal Force, who we call God.
"Every spirit in every body was made in love as we were all made in love, but is this love shown throughout the World as the grabbing and the greed from bankers to road sweepers continues.
"Time is now coming when we will have to make the choice. Either we stand up for what we believe in and do what Spirit asks of us and put our lives in order, so that we are free to do what is asked of us, or are we going to turn our back and not be counted?
"We are going to walk away from the Light and if we do that we shall fall and fall and fall until we realise what we are falling away from, as it gets darker and rockier and harder.
"We have that little light within, which every creation of God has. It never goes out and that always gives us a chance to say, "I'm sorry. Help me back up."
"It is far better to put these things right while we are on the earth plane than when we have passed into darkness and we are stumbling and alone.
"Everything about us can be seen in Spirit. We can't hide anything from them – only from each other.
"So let us keep our light shining. Let us look to all those about us to see what we can do for them and not what we can get from them for ourselves.
"We must share and we must stand up and be counted, because God is not a figment of the church and the religion down the road.
"He is not the personal property of the Muslims or the Jews or the Bankers, who only worship money.
"He is our Creator, who loves us and wants us to do well, so please listen to Voice of Spirit. It is within you all.
"We are all given the Voice of Conscience, which tells us what is right and what is wrong.
"Some listen more than others and have a 'knowing', but you can all listen and you all know really what you should be doing – do it and be happy.
"Thank God that you have guidance and that you are never ever alone.
"God bless you all."
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