Michael's Higher Guide and
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light in Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 27th September 2009
"Power is within us all, if only we have the courage and the strength to use it.
"If we all stood up for what was right, there would be no wrongs. What a World that would be!
"Have you the courage to stand up?
"Would you walk by on the other side and hope not to be noticed? Are you frightened, as many of us are, that someone may disagree with us? Someone may challenge us!
"Every single person living on this globe knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong. We have a conscience.
"Those who behave badly try not to listen to their conscience and they try to see what they can get away with and if we don't stand up, then they get away with it.
"Like the young child, as parents will know, they push the barriers to see what they can get away with. If you let them get away with it all the time, they get worse and worse and we get more desperate and more desperate.
"We all have to stand up for what we believe is right. If we don't then it's no good moaning and complaining about all the things in our lives that we don't like.
"All the hurts that come to us and which are forever bruising us - if we stood up and said, "No. I am not going to accept this, because that is wrong."
"Not in any nasty way but just to say, "That is enough, don't you shout at me. Don't you tell me what I can do. Don't try and take away something which is mine."
"We must stand up for our rights, because 'God' gave us the power and the strength to do so and if we don't, we turn away from 'His' teaching."
"The word 'god' comes from the word 'good'. Of course it does. 'God' by definition is good.
"I always get rather upset when people say "'God' can do anything!"
"No, 'God' can't do anything. 'God' can't do anything that is bad!
"'God' can't hurt us. We do that for ourselves by not abiding by the rules and the Law that 'He' teaches us – by not listening to our consciences.
"We are in charge of our destinies – nobody else. Nobody else can walk our path for us.
"They can walk along side sometimes and help us and give us some advice and prop us up and we can do that for others, but we can't make those big decisions for them.
"What we have to do is to work for what we want, for what we need. Not just sit around expecting and an easy handout as so much of society does these days.
"No, we have got to work for it and then when we work for it and we achieve it, then we will appreciate what it is worth.
"We all have rights. There is a lot in the World press, particularly the European press, about human rights. But how often do you hear both sides of the argument?
"Prisoners have human rights, but what about the atrocities that they created that put them there?
"What about the woman who was raped? What about the mother, the pregnant woman, who was mugged?
"They have rights. We know what is right, or we should do, and if we stand up together for what is right we can make things happen.
"So don't let us all be complacent. Let us turn our thoughts to 'God'.
"'God' is not some creation with a long beard who has been sitting on a throne for hundreds of millions of years saying, "You've been bad. You go down. You can stay. You're alright."
"'God' is a great Universal Force of love and wisdom and we have the right and the ability to tap into that.
"You don't have to go to somebody else and say, "Will you say some prayers for me?"
"If I give you some money for your church will you intercede for me?
"No, we all have to stand up and be counted when we pass – nobody else, so just remember when you stand up for what is right, you do 'God's' will.
"When you don't, the scales tip the other way, like the Egyptians - a feather and a heart. That was how you were judged.
"Remember, 'God' is good and 'He' loves us all. 'He' has already given us all that we need, as long as we accept it and use it for the best possible reasons.
"God bless you all."
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