06 December 2009

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritual Church, Gossips Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 6th December 2009

"Divinity for some is a way of life. You will all have your own particular favourites – Harry Edwards, Saint Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Jesus of Nazareth.

"Jesus actual attained the highest level of spirituality that it is possible to reach on this earth plane. He was, if you like, more divine than we will ever be.

"We are all divine in our small way, because God has made us in his own likeness. God is the great Universal Consciousness and we are conscious.

"We are alive. We have thought and it is up to us individually to nurture that great gift of life and consciousness that we have been given and to keep it pure and to expand it on a spiritual level.

"As Jesus showed how it could be done. Jesus was a great teacher. He spoke to all people. He was born a Jew and he was brought up in confines of the Jewish thought at the time.

"But he expanded his understanding of life by talking to all people of all generations and his words are still so meaningful to us.

"He taught us that we have divinity within. He also taught us that it is impossible for us to go into the Kingdom of Heaven unless we become as a small child.

"What did he mean? Do you understand those words that he is saying to you?

"Because a small child comes into this earth plane, hopefully from loving parents and is brought into life through the womb of a woman in love.

"That child in a loving natural environment gives and takes love without asking anything for it. That is unconditional love.

"If we do not live amongst ourselves in unconditional love, how can we be fit for the Kingdom of Heaven?

"That is what Jesus was telling us. Now we are approaching a festival that celebrates the birth of a consciousness who came down and taught us all we need to know about divinity and spirituality.

"If only we would stop and listen to the words he spoke to us, not the creed and dogma of religions, but to understand the simplicity of what he taught us.

"Love each other. Help each other. Don't just take what you want and trample over those who get into your way, as certain levels of commerce where this is being very well published and has been in past months.

"Those people are going to bring us all down. They are going to bring the economy down and unless we stand and work together and help each other, there won't be much left for our children and our children's children.

"So I ask you all this Christmas, a festival of giving and receiving because both are worthy, give unconditional love.

"Stand up for your rights and may the World produce happier vibrations, lighter vibrations so that negativity and materialism that is all around us is at least for a few days, lifted up so that we can all be happy and at peace.

"God bless you all."

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26 October 2009

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address through Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritualist Centre, Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 25th October 2009

"While we were on our way to join you this evening for your Divine Service, we were driving up an unlit dark lane, very narrow, used by a lot of people as a short cut to cut out the town.

"Suddenly in front of us there was a cyclist, dressed in dark colours, with no lights, no reflectors and very difficult to see.

"That person, I am sure you will agree, was not taking personal responsibility.

"Everybody knows the dangers. It was, I hope, a situation from which that person got home safely.

"But from where we are in the Spirit World, we look down upon you and we see you on your road going your own way, often taking no notice of what is about you and the dangers that you are in.

"We try to send you messages. We try and get through to your mind.

"Those who are close to you, who on the earth plane you loved and hopefully still do because they are alive, they try to warn you of the dangers.

"We try, as guides, with a little more experience we try and get the message through to you.

"You may see signs and think, "Oh isn't that strange the number of that car it rings a bell!"

"It could be anything. We try and get the message through and when it gets serious enough we have mediums, who can talk to you and bring you messages.

"They are not plucking them out of the air. Their guides are talking to you with the message that your guides want you to know.

"They want you to listen, because if you don't listen there is no more that we can do to help you and sometimes people will not change their path

"They will not put reflectors on so that they can be seen. They will not light a light. They will not light a candle.

"They are too busy going their own narrow way in their own little lives and so many don't even believe that 'God' is there organising the Universe that 'He' created for us all to live in.

"Things do not happen by chance.

"Things do not happen because the Government say so that that is the only way to go, because they too are human and they can get it wrong, as so many Governments around the World are getting it wrong now.

"The Credit Crunch hasn't finished my friends. The worst is yet to come. So be prepared.

"Don't think like that cyclist, "It's not going to happen to me!"

"Don't bury your heads in the sand. See what you need to do and where you need to go and listen to the Voice of Spirit, which is within you all, because you too are spirit.

"You happen to be in an earthly body, because what 'God' made, your essence, your soul, would be crushed by the weight of the vibrations upon this earth plane.

"So we have a body, but that should not preclude us listening to our spirit, to our conscience, to the voice that tells us what is right and what is not.

"So please be wary. Please listen. Please think very seriously about what Spirit tells you. Test the Spirit. Don't take it for granted that it is right.

"The medium may not be right. She may have got it wrong. Get confirmation.

"Ask and listen and when the evidence is sufficient for you to understand that it's true, then you must act upon it, even if it is not what you want – for the greater good it must be right.

"So I say to you all, "Light a candle and don't be ashamed of your spirituality. Lighten, be a light."

"Be a light for the Creator, for us in Spirit who try so hard to help you.

"Listen to us and let us all go forward together to make this a better World for us and our children and our grandchildren to come down to and to live in.

"God bless you all."

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19 October 2009

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 18th October 2009

"The time is here. There is no more time.

"You have got to decide whether you are going to do what Spirit are urging you to do so that God can give you the blessings that He wants you to have or are you going to walk away, turn your back and not be counted.

"All around the World there are huge changes taking place. Changes are happening within this country and changes are coming into your lives.

"The impossible is going to be possible on a scale that you never thought could happen.

"Peace is coming to areas of the World where men are bickering and are greedy for what the other has.

"Already moves have been put in place and you will find in the coming months that in the Middle East, the hotbed of religious fanaticism, where God is not understood, because they both behave so badly.

"There is an influence that is going to come there that will make them, and will almost knock their heads together, so that they cannot continue squabbling.

"All around the World, in this material life in which we live, the world of matter, spirituality and love have been squeezed out.

"The minority come and seek the aid of the Voice of Spirit. The majority are too busy enjoying what they have and hoping for more – more which they may not even need, more that could help other people far more.

"We must start looking for the greater good, not for our own pockets, not for our own cupboards to be filled knowing that others are going empty.

"People all around this World came into a body as a creation of the Universal Force, who we call God.

"Every spirit in every body was made in love as we were all made in love, but is this love shown throughout the World as the grabbing and the greed from bankers to road sweepers continues.

"Time is now coming when we will have to make the choice. Either we stand up for what we believe in and do what Spirit asks of us and put our lives in order, so that we are free to do what is asked of us, or are we going to turn our back and not be counted?

"We are going to walk away from the Light and if we do that we shall fall and fall and fall until we realise what we are falling away from, as it gets darker and rockier and harder.

"We have that little light within, which every creation of God has. It never goes out and that always gives us a chance to say, "I'm sorry. Help me back up."

"It is far better to put these things right while we are on the earth plane than when we have passed into darkness and we are stumbling and alone.

"Everything about us can be seen in Spirit. We can't hide anything from them – only from each other.

"So let us keep our light shining. Let us look to all those about us to see what we can do for them and not what we can get from them for ourselves.

"We must share and we must stand up and be counted, because God is not a figment of the church and the religion down the road.

"He is not the personal property of the Muslims or the Jews or the Bankers, who only worship money.

"He is our Creator, who loves us and wants us to do well, so please listen to Voice of Spirit. It is within you all.

"We are all given the Voice of Conscience, which tells us what is right and what is wrong.

"Some listen more than others and have a 'knowing', but you can all listen and you all know really what you should be doing – do it and be happy.

"Thank God that you have guidance and that you are never ever alone.

"God bless you all."

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02 October 2009

Seaford, East Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church in Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 1st October 2009

"Change is certainly coming and it's about time to!

"Some sixty years ago, this country like most of the World was at war and I am sure that you will agree with me that there are many good reasons against war.

"And yet there are good things which only seem to happen to the human race in times of war.

"People don't help each other anymore.

"People don't stand together. They don't share what they have got. They want more and more.

"You only have to go out into the small towns, maybe like Seaford or Hailsham or Eastbourne and if you stop and watch people's body language, they are totally unaware of the other people that are around them and they don't care?

"They come out of the shops and slam the door behind them. They don't look to see if there is an old lady following them, who maybe needs help with that door.

"It's a tragedy that if you do hold the door open for somebody, that person says, "Good Heavens, there is a gentleman still left on the earth plane."

"It is so rare. We need to be aware of what is around us – not only of other people, but the atmosphere, the vibrations, the love.

"There is still love in this World.

"There are people who listen to their guides, who listen to Spirit, so that you will take home something from this service and think about it and you will say, "That's good and I must try and do that. I will do that, because it is right."

"People don't seem to bother about what is right and what is wrong. It's a sad society today that seems to spend so much of its time seeing if they can get away with it.

"We all know the difference between right and wrong, because 'God' gave us a conscience, but there are people who prefer not to listen.

"Children we know push the barriers. All the parents here will know and will remember when they had their children, those young beings, those young people, seeing how much they can get away with it. "I wonder whether Mum will notice."

"Now it's a different society. "I want. I demand. I must have the new shoes, the new video game, because everybody at school has got it."

"Where does the money come from? Soon the money is going to be short. A lot has been scooped away and poured down black holes. We have all heard about it.

"The bankers have said, "Oh, well we will cut down the bonuses just a little." They have signed up for something. Talk to the financiers, they will tell you. They are not giving away anything at all.

"Why should they? They never have. It's our money that they are dealing with.

"Money is nothing more than an energy. It's important to have it, but what you need is food and drink and shelter and love. All other emotions are negative.

"The 'Godhead', the Great Universal Divinity, made us in love and 'He' gave us love and it is still a wonderful thing no matter how dirty the word has become in the eyes of some people, who want to take photographs of young children, who want to rape women.

"And in case you don't know what this is about, this is greed, this is power and when things go wrong in our little communities, within our families, we must use the power of love that 'God' put inside us and stand up and say, "That's enough. That's wrong. I am not going to tolerate it."

"If we did that, if you always stood up for what is right, there would be no wrong. What a World that would be!

"That is how it is meant to be. I urge you to try and do that little bit more. Stand up and not pass by on the other, hoping that no one will notice.

"Because they all do it, but what is wrong in saying, "I'm here and that's not right."

"The more of us who stand up together, the stronger we are, so don't let's let anyone get maimed and trampled on.

"We don't have to do it in a nasty way. Just be firm and that's enough. Now we'll make this World a better place.

"The times are coming when we are going to have to work together like they do in Spirit.

"There isn't going to be enough money in this country to pay twenty million people, or how ever many there are, who refuse to work.

"If they won't work then they won't have anything, because they are going to see some very hard times, but those who have the right intensions, who have love in their hearts and are doing things for the right reasons will spiritually be looked after.

"So don't be afraid. It is those who are greedy, who are selfish, they are going to feel the pinch. So keep coming to Seaford, keep sitting in this wonderful energy that you have here.

"Enjoy and have these wonderful services and take some of it home. Have it and move on and let us all try and do a bit better for each other.

"God bless you all."

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28 September 2009

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light in Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 27th September 2009

"Power is within us all, if only we have the courage and the strength to use it.

"If we all stood up for what was right, there would be no wrongs. What a World that would be!

"Have you the courage to stand up?

"Would you walk by on the other side and hope not to be noticed? Are you frightened, as many of us are, that someone may disagree with us? Someone may challenge us!

"Every single person living on this globe knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong. We have a conscience.

"Those who behave badly try not to listen to their conscience and they try to see what they can get away with and if we don't stand up, then they get away with it.

"Like the young child, as parents will know, they push the barriers to see what they can get away with. If you let them get away with it all the time, they get worse and worse and we get more desperate and more desperate.

"We all have to stand up for what we believe is right. If we don't then it's no good moaning and complaining about all the things in our lives that we don't like.

"All the hurts that come to us and which are forever bruising us - if we stood up and said, "No. I am not going to accept this, because that is wrong."

"Not in any nasty way but just to say, "That is enough, don't you shout at me. Don't you tell me what I can do. Don't try and take away something which is mine."

"We must stand up for our rights, because 'God' gave us the power and the strength to do so and if we don't, we turn away from 'His' teaching."

"The word 'god' comes from the word 'good'. Of course it does. 'God' by definition is good.

"I always get rather upset when people say "'God' can do anything!"

"No, 'God' can't do anything. 'God' can't do anything that is bad!

"'God' can't hurt us. We do that for ourselves by not abiding by the rules and the Law that 'He' teaches us – by not listening to our consciences.

"We are in charge of our destinies – nobody else. Nobody else can walk our path for us.

"They can walk along side sometimes and help us and give us some advice and prop us up and we can do that for others, but we can't make those big decisions for them.

"What we have to do is to work for what we want, for what we need. Not just sit around expecting and an easy handout as so much of society does these days.

"No, we have got to work for it and then when we work for it and we achieve it, then we will appreciate what it is worth.

"We all have rights. There is a lot in the World press, particularly the European press, about human rights. But how often do you hear both sides of the argument?

"Prisoners have human rights, but what about the atrocities that they created that put them there?

"What about the woman who was raped? What about the mother, the pregnant woman, who was mugged?

"They have rights. We know what is right, or we should do, and if we stand up together for what is right we can make things happen.

"So don't let us all be complacent. Let us turn our thoughts to 'God'.

"'God' is not some creation with a long beard who has been sitting on a throne for hundreds of millions of years saying, "You've been bad. You go down. You can stay. You're alright."

"'God' is a great Universal Force of love and wisdom and we have the right and the ability to tap into that.

"You don't have to go to somebody else and say, "Will you say some prayers for me?"

"If I give you some money for your church will you intercede for me?

"No, we all have to stand up and be counted when we pass – nobody else, so just remember when you stand up for what is right, you do 'God's' will.

"When you don't, the scales tip the other way, like the Egyptians - a feather and a heart. That was how you were judged.

"Remember, 'God' is good and 'He' loves us all. 'He' has already given us all that we need, as long as we accept it and use it for the best possible reasons.

"God bless you all."

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