Michael's Higher Guide and
Given as the Address through Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritualist Centre, Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 25th October 2009
"While we were on our way to join you this evening for your Divine Service, we were driving up an unlit dark lane, very narrow, used by a lot of people as a short cut to cut out the town.
"Suddenly in front of us there was a cyclist, dressed in dark colours, with no lights, no reflectors and very difficult to see.
"That person, I am sure you will agree, was not taking personal responsibility.
"Everybody knows the dangers. It was, I hope, a situation from which that person got home safely.
"But from where we are in the Spirit World, we look down upon you and we see you on your road going your own way, often taking no notice of what is about you and the dangers that you are in.
"We try to send you messages. We try and get through to your mind.
"Those who are close to you, who on the earth plane you loved and hopefully still do because they are alive, they try to warn you of the dangers.
"We try, as guides, with a little more experience we try and get the message through to you.
"You may see signs and think, "Oh isn't that strange the number of that car it rings a bell!"
"It could be anything. We try and get the message through and when it gets serious enough we have mediums, who can talk to you and bring you messages.
"They are not plucking them out of the air. Their guides are talking to you with the message that your guides want you to know.
"They want you to listen, because if you don't listen there is no more that we can do to help you and sometimes people will not change their path
"They will not put reflectors on so that they can be seen. They will not light a light. They will not light a candle.
"They are too busy going their own narrow way in their own little lives and so many don't even believe that 'God' is there organising the Universe that 'He' created for us all to live in.
"Things do not happen by chance.
"Things do not happen because the Government say so that that is the only way to go, because they too are human and they can get it wrong, as so many Governments around the World are getting it wrong now.
"The Credit Crunch hasn't finished my friends. The worst is yet to come. So be prepared.
"Don't think like that cyclist, "It's not going to happen to me!"
"Don't bury your heads in the sand. See what you need to do and where you need to go and listen to the Voice of Spirit, which is within you all, because you too are spirit.
"You happen to be in an earthly body, because what 'God' made, your essence, your soul, would be crushed by the weight of the vibrations upon this earth plane.
"So we have a body, but that should not preclude us listening to our spirit, to our conscience, to the voice that tells us what is right and what is not.
"So please be wary. Please listen. Please think very seriously about what Spirit tells you. Test the Spirit. Don't take it for granted that it is right.
"The medium may not be right. She may have got it wrong. Get confirmation.
"Ask and listen and when the evidence is sufficient for you to understand that it's true, then you must act upon it, even if it is not what you want – for the greater good it must be right.
"So I say to you all, "Light a candle and don't be ashamed of your spirituality. Lighten, be a light."
"Be a light for the Creator, for us in Spirit who try so hard to help you.
"Listen to us and let us all go forward together to make this a better World for us and our children and our grandchildren to come down to and to live in.
"God bless you all."
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