Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Tonbridge Christian Spiritual Church at the Old School Hall, Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 8th February 2009
“A great deal has been written and a great deal has been said about the financial disaster for every single one of us throughout the World is now seeing and it is not going to go away.
“It is very clear what has happened.
“A few have been greedy and they have demanded large amounts of money from us, the man in the street, who paid exorbitant amounts of interest and even now the banks that have been bailed out in this country by a Prime Minister who hasn’t got a clue what he is doing, because he has given our money for them to pay themselves thumping great bonuses.
“Is this right?
“I am not here to stand for Parliament and I am not making a political address, because what I what to say is, “It is important that we all understand what is going on”.
“I am glad that we have some young people with us tonight, because they are going to have to pay back the debt that this Government has borrowed, because it doesn’t know what to do and is running scared.
“It doesn’t matter if you voted Labour or you are going to vote Labour at the next General Election, this is about people in power who don’t know what to do.
“How can they know what to do, because there is only one way to find out and that is to observe the Laws of ‘God’.
“The Laws of Cause and Effect or as Jesus said, “What you reap you will have sown”.
“What Shakespeare said in Hamlet, “Neither a borrower or a lender be”.
“It is no good us saying, “Well, we didn’t do anything wrong”.
“We did. We condoned a credit society. We bought on credit and we weren’t always sure whether we could pay it back.
“We have all taken on loans hoping it would be alright. Many of us have taken on loans and have got away with it. We have paid off our mortgages.
“How are we repaid? With our savings worth nothing, how are the elderly going to get by on the messily pensions that are being doled out?
“The pensions they had in companies for which people worked have been frittered away? We have all got to take responsibility and ‘God’s’ Laws of Cause and Effect are very clear.
“We have free will. We have personal responsibility that goes with the free will. You can do whatever you like,” ‘God’ says, “but you are going to have to face up to what you do.”
“If you do bad things the ‘effect’ becomes the ‘affect’ and you will be affected by what you have done.
“The people who have been behaving badly financially and some of them have already started to pay the debt – they will have started to pay for that.
“They will be brought down, either by their own hand or by the Hand of ‘God’ and if this sounds biblical that you feel, “He is standing up in a pulpit he might as well be in Canterbury Cathedral”.
“No, ‘God’ is everywhere.
“Just because the Jews worshiped the ‘God’ in the New Testament and expected Him to give them everything they wanted and when ‘He’ didn’t they got annoyed and blamed ‘God’ for it, but it was the Law of Cause and Effect.
“It’s a hell of a good read the Old Testament, because it explains the Laws of Cause and Effect.
“The Muslims aren’t exempt. They are behaving extremely badly. Look at the way they treat women and criminals. There are men ruling that religion as the Jews are ruling theirs as the Catholics are ruling Christianity.
“It’s all about power. It’s all about money and it’s all about those at the top, whether it’s the Sanhedrin or the Popery, as long as they are alright it doesn’t matter about the people - the people that’s you and me.
“But we have a voice and Mustafa, Jenny’s guide has been on the website to say, “You have got to use your voice. You have got to stand up and say what you think.”
“People behaving badly on the BBC, they are getting away with it. They are paid millions and millions of pounds to get away with it!
“Where is decency?
“Where is honesty?
“Where is help for one another?
“Where is love?
“We are losing out. We are being trampled on. I am not suggesting that we all march on Downing Street or we take up causes.
“But it is no good us saying, “Well, my voice doesn’t make any difference. It will go on whether I say anything or not”.
“That is not true. If everybody says nothing, nothing will change.
“There is an example of a huge change that has taken place within the last year – look at the American people.
“They have actually stood up and said, “We don’t want any of this Republican nonsense or this chaotic way of life that has been going on in our country for so long. No, we want a decent honest man.”
“They voted in a new man. I refuse to call him a black President. He is the President. He is a man. I don’t care what colour he is. He has got the right sort of credentials from the one that went before, who didn’t do a very good job.
“It doesn’t matter what party you belong to. They are minor things. It doesn’t matter what badge you wear. It doesn’t really matter much what you say except if you hurt other people, but what matters is what is within you.
“What is your intention? If you see somebody fall over do you say, “Ha bloody ha” and walk away?
“Or do you say, “Oh dear, poor old soul. I am glad there is somebody there to help her. I would have done but somebody is doing it.”
“It doesn’t matter. Have the right intention! If there is nobody there then do you go to the aid of somebody?
“So many people worry about helping other people, because it may mean that you have to put your hand in your pocket and give something.
“You don’t have to give anything financial. Some people want time. Some people want a shoulder to cry on. Some people are just lonely.
“It is important when you try and help people to let them talk so that we can find out what they want, because everybody wants the same thing.
“If they have the right intentions and that is love. If you have the wrong intentions then usually you want something material.
“So I leave you with this thought. Remember that ‘God’ is not something that comes out of the church or the synagogue or mosque. ‘God’ is something who created us all.
“We are all spiritual. This is a spiritual gathering. I am afraid that spiritualness has gone out of the religions of the World.
“They have lost their way. It is not a question of which badge you wear or what word you put in the hospital when they say, “Religion?” That doesn’t matter.
“It’s what you are inside and who you believe is in charge of your life, because ‘He’s’ up there thank goodness and ‘He’ directing our guides and love ones to help us.
“Jenny will come to you later on with some words that they, Spirit, want you to understand. Help is there.
“Put out your thoughts. Some people say, “Oh I don’t pray!”
“Why not?” It’s a religious tag and all you are doing is when you are praying is to put out your thoughts. “Please somebody out there, come and help me. I need help.”
“But when you ask for help, let me just say to you, do not say, “Please ‘God’, please guides, please all you up there. Please help. Give me.”
“Please say, “I am responsible for where I am, because we all are. Please show me the way that I may help myself and those who are around me that I love.
“Then you will receive what you need. God bless you all.”
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“A great deal has been written and a great deal has been said about the financial disaster for every single one of us throughout the World is now seeing and it is not going to go away.
“It is very clear what has happened.
“A few have been greedy and they have demanded large amounts of money from us, the man in the street, who paid exorbitant amounts of interest and even now the banks that have been bailed out in this country by a Prime Minister who hasn’t got a clue what he is doing, because he has given our money for them to pay themselves thumping great bonuses.
“Is this right?
“I am not here to stand for Parliament and I am not making a political address, because what I what to say is, “It is important that we all understand what is going on”.
“I am glad that we have some young people with us tonight, because they are going to have to pay back the debt that this Government has borrowed, because it doesn’t know what to do and is running scared.
“It doesn’t matter if you voted Labour or you are going to vote Labour at the next General Election, this is about people in power who don’t know what to do.
“How can they know what to do, because there is only one way to find out and that is to observe the Laws of ‘God’.
“The Laws of Cause and Effect or as Jesus said, “What you reap you will have sown”.
“What Shakespeare said in Hamlet, “Neither a borrower or a lender be”.
“It is no good us saying, “Well, we didn’t do anything wrong”.
“We did. We condoned a credit society. We bought on credit and we weren’t always sure whether we could pay it back.
“We have all taken on loans hoping it would be alright. Many of us have taken on loans and have got away with it. We have paid off our mortgages.
“How are we repaid? With our savings worth nothing, how are the elderly going to get by on the messily pensions that are being doled out?
“The pensions they had in companies for which people worked have been frittered away? We have all got to take responsibility and ‘God’s’ Laws of Cause and Effect are very clear.
“We have free will. We have personal responsibility that goes with the free will. You can do whatever you like,” ‘God’ says, “but you are going to have to face up to what you do.”
“If you do bad things the ‘effect’ becomes the ‘affect’ and you will be affected by what you have done.
“The people who have been behaving badly financially and some of them have already started to pay the debt – they will have started to pay for that.
“They will be brought down, either by their own hand or by the Hand of ‘God’ and if this sounds biblical that you feel, “He is standing up in a pulpit he might as well be in Canterbury Cathedral”.
“No, ‘God’ is everywhere.
“Just because the Jews worshiped the ‘God’ in the New Testament and expected Him to give them everything they wanted and when ‘He’ didn’t they got annoyed and blamed ‘God’ for it, but it was the Law of Cause and Effect.
“It’s a hell of a good read the Old Testament, because it explains the Laws of Cause and Effect.
“The Muslims aren’t exempt. They are behaving extremely badly. Look at the way they treat women and criminals. There are men ruling that religion as the Jews are ruling theirs as the Catholics are ruling Christianity.
“It’s all about power. It’s all about money and it’s all about those at the top, whether it’s the Sanhedrin or the Popery, as long as they are alright it doesn’t matter about the people - the people that’s you and me.
“But we have a voice and Mustafa, Jenny’s guide has been on the website to say, “You have got to use your voice. You have got to stand up and say what you think.”
“People behaving badly on the BBC, they are getting away with it. They are paid millions and millions of pounds to get away with it!
“Where is decency?
“Where is honesty?
“Where is help for one another?
“Where is love?
“We are losing out. We are being trampled on. I am not suggesting that we all march on Downing Street or we take up causes.
“But it is no good us saying, “Well, my voice doesn’t make any difference. It will go on whether I say anything or not”.
“That is not true. If everybody says nothing, nothing will change.
“There is an example of a huge change that has taken place within the last year – look at the American people.
“They have actually stood up and said, “We don’t want any of this Republican nonsense or this chaotic way of life that has been going on in our country for so long. No, we want a decent honest man.”
“They voted in a new man. I refuse to call him a black President. He is the President. He is a man. I don’t care what colour he is. He has got the right sort of credentials from the one that went before, who didn’t do a very good job.
“It doesn’t matter what party you belong to. They are minor things. It doesn’t matter what badge you wear. It doesn’t really matter much what you say except if you hurt other people, but what matters is what is within you.
“What is your intention? If you see somebody fall over do you say, “Ha bloody ha” and walk away?
“Or do you say, “Oh dear, poor old soul. I am glad there is somebody there to help her. I would have done but somebody is doing it.”
“It doesn’t matter. Have the right intention! If there is nobody there then do you go to the aid of somebody?
“So many people worry about helping other people, because it may mean that you have to put your hand in your pocket and give something.
“You don’t have to give anything financial. Some people want time. Some people want a shoulder to cry on. Some people are just lonely.
“It is important when you try and help people to let them talk so that we can find out what they want, because everybody wants the same thing.
“If they have the right intentions and that is love. If you have the wrong intentions then usually you want something material.
“So I leave you with this thought. Remember that ‘God’ is not something that comes out of the church or the synagogue or mosque. ‘God’ is something who created us all.
“We are all spiritual. This is a spiritual gathering. I am afraid that spiritualness has gone out of the religions of the World.
“They have lost their way. It is not a question of which badge you wear or what word you put in the hospital when they say, “Religion?” That doesn’t matter.
“It’s what you are inside and who you believe is in charge of your life, because ‘He’s’ up there thank goodness and ‘He’ directing our guides and love ones to help us.
“Jenny will come to you later on with some words that they, Spirit, want you to understand. Help is there.
“Put out your thoughts. Some people say, “Oh I don’t pray!”
“Why not?” It’s a religious tag and all you are doing is when you are praying is to put out your thoughts. “Please somebody out there, come and help me. I need help.”
“But when you ask for help, let me just say to you, do not say, “Please ‘God’, please guides, please all you up there. Please help. Give me.”
“Please say, “I am responsible for where I am, because we all are. Please show me the way that I may help myself and those who are around me that I love.
“Then you will receive what you need. God bless you all.”
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