26 January 2009

Keymer, West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Beacon of Light, Keymer in West Sussex on Sunday, 25th January 2009

“I was hoping that there were going to be more younger people this morning, so I am going to address the young at heart, so please heed my words as the young souls that we all are.

“Just about everybody has heard of Darth Vader and the Jedi Knights from the saga of Starwars. It made an awful lot of money, but it made an awful lot of people happy, who enjoyed the adventure.

“I wonder how many people have actually thought about what it is all about. In the first episode entitled A New Hope, which was actually number four for people who love Starwars, because there was actually IV, V, and VI and then I, II and II.

“In the very first one Darth Vader is accused of using clairvoyance trickery at a meeting on the Death Star battle station. That was not surprising because he was a Jedi Knight, who turned to the dark side.

“The Jedi Knights were certainly given the gift of clairvoyance, clair meaning clear and voyance meaning seeing. It means clear sight as Jenny is going to be demonstrating shortly with the clairvoyant link which she has with her guides, where they give her for you what you most need to know at this particular time.

“Have you ever stopped to think where all your thoughts and prayers go to? Because we singing about sending out thoughts and in the healing we were asked to send out our thoughts and I am sure you all have.

“These little radio waves that we make are our own original thoughts. They go out into the Universe. They go into the Great Oneness, the One Conscience, the Universal Conscience, where all these thoughts go.

“All the good thoughts that I am sure you send, but occasionally not so good! The car breaks down, you have a long queue in the supermarket or I’m going to be late! That’s his fault! That’s her fault!

“We all send out a few negative thoughts, but the Collective Consciousness accepts all these thoughts of every single person on this globe, every person who has ever lived and ‘God’s’ thoughts ‘Himself’ that also come into this huge Universal Collective Consciousness.

“When ‘He’ sends ‘His’ love and strength and hope to us it comes through the Great Collective Consciousness. Then as healers here will know what I am talking about because when you put your hands on somebody you can feel the force of the Healing Power concentrated through your hands.

“It’s a tingling, a sort of electricity. It is a force that comes through from the Great Divine through the Consciousness into our consciousness and goes on to heal.

“Jesus knew this because that is how he healed so many. He always said remember, “I don’t do this. It is my Father in Heaven who does this.” This is how it still works today and we have to send out positive thoughts.

“The World is in so much trouble at this time, because too many people have been sending out thoughts of negativity, of greed and avarice, of wanting too much material for themselves and not concerning themselves with other people.

“So many people, the Common Man if you like which we all are, have been taken for one enormous ride by the negativity and greed of the few.

“They have in turn brought down the banking systems of the World and put us all in great peril at this time. The one thing that we can do is to send out positive thoughts to the Collective Consciousness and keep that positive.

“Because when that gets too negative, then our world and our lives are affected by that negativity. We have to send out positive, loving, forgiving and understanding thoughts and not blame through fear and worry.

“There is somebody here and I am not going to look at anybody in particular, but there is somebody thinking, “Well, what good can I do? I am as a little grain of sand in the desert.”

“Yes, we are like a little grain of sand in the desert, but if any of you have been caught up in a sandstorm then you will know the power of that grain of sand can make.

“If you look at the one little water droplet in the sea and the power that that adds to the ocean of the pounding waves that break down the cliffs into boulders, into rocks, into little grains of sand upon the beach.

“So collectively we are strong. Our problem and the World’s problem is that too many people think of themselves in isolation. If they only think about us, our family, our own little groups at work. We have got to think about everybody.

“Everybody has a right. Everybody was created and we have got to send out our thoughts to everybody and try and raise this Consciousness, so that the right people can come in and solve these terrible problems.

“These problems have to be brought down. The banks will be brought even lower. We haven’t got the answers yet. A new system is being built spiritually and you can help on a global basis to set out the system that will be used.

“So send out love. Send out forgiveness. Don’t do what the churches have been telling you to do for thousands of years, “We’ve got it right! Everybody else is wrong!”

“What do they do? They send out negative thoughts. Christians hate the Muslims. The Jews are hated by everybody. It doesn’t do any good.

“We have all got the same thing in common. We all started from the same place. ‘God’ has created our souls so we know who we are and we are who we are by the experiences that we have had. That is what shapes us.

“So send our love and lift the Great Consciousness. Do your little bit. It all adds up and we will survive. Have the right intents. If you have got the wrong intentions then you are going to be taken down.

“Whereas normally at this point I would say, “God be with you”. I say today, “Let the Force be with and let it be with us all.”

“Thank you.”

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