Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at
Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on
Sunday, 13th November 2016
“It is the time for remembrance and many
have been looking into the past and remembering those comrades and friends, with
whom they fought not only in two World Wars, but tragically in the Twentieth and
the Twenty-first Centuries, War seems to be ever present everywhere.
“Mankind is becoming too greedy and is losing
his spirituality and is turning his back on the Light of Understanding and
falling into the Darkness of Ignorance, as he seems to spend his time wanting
more than he needs and taking it often by force from lesser countries, who can ill
afford to lose what treasures God has given them.
“We need all to look into our hearts and
see whether we need these things that are available to us through the material
and the physical and that seem so important.
“Young people are growing up needing to
have. They no longer save up their
pocket money, as so many of us did, and waited until they had enough, before they
could afford to buy that long playing record and take it home and play it time
after time after time.
“It seems that young people, who are the
next generations, hopefully some of them will come and sit here and learn about
the Spirit, but it seems that they are given too much material and physical things.
is not just about going out and buying and making traders rich. Not so long ago, when the world was not as
wealthy, we used to spend our spare time making something to give to our children
and our friends.
now with the Credit Cards and the pressure to make our Christmas better than
everybody else’s, so they can put it on Facebook and Twitter and everybody can know
what a happy family we have and how much we spent on buying that happiness.
Christmas comes and draws nearer, the temptations are put out, “Order now and we will send it to you before
Christmas!” I should hope they will!
I ask you to think about those who value the Spirit, love, harmony and peace
above the material ethics of this world and spare time to give some of your
time to those who are lonely and don’t have a big family.
may be desperate for a smile, for a card or a few moments talk in the High
Street. It doesn’t cost us very much,
but may make them very, very happy.
“God bless you all.”
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