27 October 2014

Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex III


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 26th October 2014

“It is not all Doom and Gloom, although most of it is.  There are pockets around the world, where we in the Spirit Realms look down at the darkness of this globe and see little pinpricks of light, where people come together in love and harmony and peace and this is one such centre that we come to.

“You may not see us, but if you could you would know that there is no wallpaper, but spirits aligning the walls.  There is a lot of love in this room and it generates out into a dark murky world, where so many people are living and behaving in the wrong way, because they can and they think that they can get away with it, but you know they can’t.

“We can’t always see the results of Spiritual Law.  You might think that it would be a better law if you could see the cause and effect actually happening, so that when people behaved badly they got slapped down, but our Creator made Spiritual Law so that if you commit an error or a mistake, you or anyone else have a chance to atone for it, to put it right.

“Sometimes we become judgemental and we look around at black spirits walking the earth that we see – one causing the bloodshed in Syria, the Austrian of the Second World War and many others and we say to God, “Why do you allow this to happen, so many people are suffering, because of these bad influences?”

“I am not God.  I am not privileged to be on the Higher Levels, but I can say that his wisdom is infinite and he understands that it is not just one person that creates all this sadness.

“Others come around and flock around and enjoy the tyranny, the bloodshed and the misery.  The whole castle has to be brought to book and each individual person has to have that opportunity to make amends for the atrocities that they do.

“There are many out there in the world today – the young woman in Iran was hanged, because somebody tried to rape her.  It was not her fault.  It is the appalling way that some people put their own law into effect as opposed to the Law of God.

“Where you mix politics and a belief system, there is always going to be a conflict, because ultimately these people are after power – power over other people.  Power over their fellow man and, looking around the world as I am sure you do at times, you see nations, countries, institutions that are there solely to bring power over others.

“Some churches for example have very rich foundations in the headquarters and the money comes from the poor on another continent, where the children don’t have enough to eat.  They don’t have shoes on their feet and the women are expected to breed like rabbits to produce more for that church.

“There is an awful lot around the world that needs thinking about and putting your own thoughts, not only within your own mind, but to put them out to the Universe, to the Higher Intelligence, the Angels, whoever you think are there to help, because there is an enormous amount of help beyond this little globe.

“It is only a little globe that God gave to humanity to live and to learn about the good things – about love and friendship, harmony and peace and somewhere along the line, because of free will, one or two people thought, “I’d like a bit of that and I can take it” and they do.

“It has expanded to become a curse on the population of this world.  Here in Europe after the Second World War, we all thought it was going to be a peaceful end of harmony and love.

“We now see not wars, but financial ruin as the Banks tumble, because of their greed and corruption and their self-interest over the years. 

          “It is not all about letting blood.  It is about taking away from the people what is rightly theirs and we must all take time and when we believe that something is not right we must stand up and try and get it put right.

          “Too many of us sleepwalk through life.  We don’t want to cause a stir.  We don’t want any stress – there is enough agro about!  Unless we stand up and we talk to others and things are put right, there won’t be much of a planet for our grandchildren and their children.

          “There won’t be a future and that lack will be put down to us.  God bless you all.”

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