Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at
Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on
Sunday, 23rd March 2014
“Peace and love is coming to this earth. It has too, because if it doesn’t, humanity will be no more. Man is destroying all that God has put on this globe – the flora, the fauna and himself.
“If Man continues to destroy himself, the world will continue and will come back into balance and there will be peace and love and harmony without him.
“Our Creator has decreed that this must not happen, but humanity has got to learn from his mistakes and to put them right.
“In little ways within our own families, in greater ways within our nations and for us all to share the bounty that is upon this earth plane, which is being misused as corruption and greed, around so much of the world, are destroying not only countries, where the people are suffering, but also whole continents.
“The whole of South America is in unrest, because of the jackboot behaviour of those who are supposed to be governing the people.
“Drug barons are making a great living by selling misery to those with weak minds, who think that a quick fix will solve all their problems.
“It never does and drugs kill and bring misery to so many families when one of their members is hooked on these dreadful things. They need help and they need help early.
“Otherwise they will have to go down to the depths, where there is no help and pull themselves back up from the darkness, as some have already done.
“In the Middle East, war continues as great nations, who ought to know no better, bang their drums and sell their weapons of destruction. No nation can really feel free, but they are not doing this.
“The Americans have their empire of countries around the world, where they pump money in and get people to do their bidding. The Russians have just taken over an innocent country, which was theirs, but came away and there is danger of complete destruction in that area again.
“Until we all stand up for what we believe in, for what you believe in and the time comes for you to do it, then we are all lost.
“Many of you have children and you watch them grow up and you lavish your love on them and you hope to educate them and show them what is the difference between good and wrong and all the time we are aware that just a small distance away there are horrors, which you hope they will never meet.
“You can’t guard them and keep them out of trouble. They have to learn for themselves, but we hope that they will come to their senses and communicate within the family when things happen that shouldn’t.
“The biggest thing that has gone wrong on this earth plane is the fact that religions around the world have lost their direction and are involved in either politics or in their own collection of wealth, very often abusing the Laws that God gave us.
“God does exist. He’s not an old man on a throne sending you down to Hell, as some people like to tell us. God is a Great Intelligence, way above anything that we could possibly understand and he created this Universe billions of years ago by creating an explosion that changed matter and grew slowly into something the size of a marble, we are told, and is still growing – this vast Universe with all its beauties, its life, its love and its people.
“Why do people think that they can manage without the help of that Greater Intelligence, the Spirit World, the Guides and where our love ones go into the Spirit Worlds and sometimes they come and talk to us?
“Beyond them is a huge, vast Universe of planets, of life, of people, of love and joy and happiness – can’t believe that that doesn’t exist. If you believe that that doesn’t exist, then what have you to live for?
“What have your children to live for? You must thank God for the miracles he gives us every day of our lives and do our best to help and look after each other, so that we all know if we are doing our bit for our fellow man, woman and child – not all of whom are as blessed as we are.
“God bless you all.”
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