Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 18th September 2011
“Dear people, thank you for so many of you coming out tonight. There are always attractions at home that stop people from coming.
“So often there is a reason not to come, but tonight is a special evening in the history of this world and for our country in particular, because many forces are at work trying to bring the greater good into the good to remove it from the negative vibrations in which they have been trapped for so long.
“During the last two millennia the words of our Lord Jesus have been diluted, debased and by many trodden into the dust.
“Whether you believe that he was a man who came as a prophet to teach the Way, the Truth and the Life or whether he was the son of God or whether he never existed, really doesn’t matter.
“That may surprise some of you. After we have gone who will notice? Only our deeds will be remembered and the deeds of this man who taught in the Middle East on sacred ground, which has been despoiled by Mans greed and hostility to himself.
“Those words still tell us, whether we are a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or Agnostics, they tell us the way to live our lives for the betterment of our souls and the greater good of all those around us.
“If the people of this earth plane would only remember and think about the teachings that he gave, the stories and the parables that he taught.
“He taught simple messages, not highfalutin philosophy, but simple stories about men and women who lived in those days, so that they could understand and each one had a message for you and for me.
“If we all try to look back at those words, to love our neighbour and not to hate him because he looks differently, we all worship the same God, the same Creator, the Great Universal Force who made this all possible and whether you are entrapped by science or by religion, that doesn’t really matter.
“It’s the way you use your life and your time on this earth plane – that is what matters and remember that when you leave this earth and those heavy burdens are put down, because we are not here just to have a good time.
“We are here to understand some very hard lessons and we all go through pain. We all go through love, because in order to appreciate love then you have to appreciate some pain.
“God made, if you like, a coin of life and enlightenment and on one side are the things we like and on the other are the things that we don’t like.
“But to have one without the other would be meaningless. In order to appreciate all the good things you have in life, like our health, sometimes we have to be unwell.
“So remember that when you pass, you will be met and someone will ask you, “What did you do? Did you make a difference? Is the world a better place for our children and our grand children, because you came?”
“Well now, I hope you can say, “Yes. I didn’t always succeed, but I did all these things and I helped wherever I could.”
“You can’t do more than you are able, but don’t walk by on the other side, because you can’t turn back.
“Work in love, learn from others, be tolerant for what is good and stand against what is bad and the world will be a better place because you walked here.
“God bless you all.”
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