18 October 2011

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 16th October 2011

“I would like you to consider the question, “Is life sacred and should it ever be taken?”  It is a simple enough question.  It has a fundamental base that runs right through Mankind’s history.

“Three thousand years ago God brought Moses into Egypt to take the ‘chosen people’ out of slavery.  My beloved Libby, who died some twelve years ago, I know from Spirit is now working as part of a special team, Mustafa has told us, to help free this world of slavery over three thousand years after that event.

“Is life sacred?

“Did Jesus come two thousand years ago to walk in the dust of the Middle East to bring a message of great importance to the whole of Mankind of how we should live?

“He gave us examples and the truth that we need and two thousand years on that dust is stagnating under so many gallons of human blood of the Jews, of whom Jesus was one, of the Christians who made a church out of the cross that he was crucified on and the Muslims, who came later to bring a different message.

“Those three religious sects have destroyed the very beautiful place and tradition, where Jesus came to give this message.  We are told reliably by the Church, who we are told know better than we, that Jesus was the Son of God, that he was part of God and that he deserved true reverence and our love and obedience.

“If that is so and we turn our backs on Jesus and we carry on in this world of misery and pain and destruction, then we are also turning our backs on God and it is no wonder that the whole structure that Man has made of this globe is collapsing around our ears.

“The financial structure made up originally by the Knights Templers, who made the first banks, so that Pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, where there happened to be fighting with the Muslims and the spilling more blood, so they could safely leave their money with the Crusaders and who would give them a ticket so when they got there were able to take their money out.

“It got rid of the robbers on the roads.  It was a good thing.  So what happened to the Crusaders and their banks?  They became too rich and too wilful and 1307 the Pope, the head of the Christian Church, and the King of France had them destroyed and others took over the banking system and others were produced within this country, within this European Union, within the streets of the World, a society of greed and ‘I must have’.

“Is it nothing to do with us or am I talking a load of rubbish and being boring on a Sunday evening?  Or have we not woken up to the fact that by doing nothing we condone it.

“If I go out into the street tonight and I see a young seven year old child being molested by a dirty old man and I walk on and do nothing, then I am partly responsible for what happens to that child and what happens to the man, who has obviously got a mental problem.

“We are all responsible for the state of affairs.  We are all responsible, because in the Middle East after the British Raj, where we ruled India because we were so powerful.

“We ruled a quarter of the World.  Good Christian country, English stock, what did we teach them?  How to fight?  How to want more?  Where is Jesus’s legacy for the Empire and the Commonwealth today?

“America took over the role after the Second World War, because we had to buy our armaments from them to defeat Hitler.  As some one reminded me the other day Hitler was born Christian!  We tend to forget.

“But the Americans have taken over the role in the Middle East and in order to get cheap fuel, and all the nice things that they wanted, they have snuggled up to the rulers of the people in the Middle East.

“Gadaffi and all the others, because they had something that the Western World, I won’t say needed but wanted.  That is cheap oil.

“How many times when you looked into your newspapers or you read the news do you see another face of us in the West, in Europe and America and in this country, doing business with people because they have something that we want and it doesn’t matter that they are stamping over all their own people.

“What would Jesus say?  We are all here with a belief in Jesus.  You cannot be involved in a spiritual way of life unless you believe in what he taught and if you believe in what he taught, how do you feel about the way that other people have interpreted it?

“It is not only the Christian through many, many wars have been saying, “It alright!  God is on our side.  You will go to heaven if you allow your sons to go and fight in the 1914-18 War, because   God’s on our side.  He’s an Englishman.”

“Does anybody still believe that in this day and age that God is a man sitting on a throne with a bowler hat and an umbrella trying to rule the universe?

“It’s an insult, isn’t it?  God is a Universal Force that brought all these things into being and, as I humbly say it, “He only made one mistake.”

“He gave us free will, so that we could oppose him and go unpunished – in the short term.  Therefore we think its okay to be badly behaved if we do get away with it. 

“It’s like Jenny driving us here today, there was a maniac going past.  We were doing the speed limit and somebody goes past in a van at goodness how many tens of miles an hour faster than she was.

“I am sorry to say this, but she called him an idiot!  She was quite right!  He was an idiot only because he though he could get away with it.  If he had met a police car coming the other way that had flagged him down, he would have felt that he had been victimised and picked on and we have heard it all before.

“We all say that we can only do what is in our own hearts, we could only look after our own lives and get out of ticklish spots to go to Summerland, up there, where we have made a place for ourselves.

“But if we do a lot more to help other people, our fellow man, for the greater good and try and talk to people and to try and stop the slavery, the oppression, the starving, famine in the Horn of Africa.  Has Man learned nothing, since Joseph went into Egypt and interpreted a dream?

“When are we all going to wake up and find out that we got it wrong because we didn’t listen?  At least we listened, but it didn’t stick.  We couldn’t find enough other people to come together with the same ideas and say, “Come on.  Let’s do something.  Let’s make our voices heard.”

“So I leave you with the thought that I gave you at the beginning, “Is life sacred and should it ever be taken?” because if it is sacred then we should help preserve it in all people all around this globe regardless of colour, creed or the belief system they have.

“There are too many of us, who are too happy that rather than think about doing something positive to turn over on our pillows and have another ten minutes before the alarm clock goes off.

“We are all guilty.  Every one again has got to remember, when we die, we die in body, we live in Spirit and as long as we have got a good answer for that person sent to meet us, who says, “What did you do?  Did you make a difference?  I can’t quite see it from up here, but tell me have you made a difference?”

“Like Mandela’s made a difference, like Sister Teresa’s made a difference – you can go round the world and you can see a few and maybe there are many more who are unheard of and unsung, but we only get one shot at this and its not too later.

 “God bless you all.”

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19 September 2011

Gossops Green, Crawley , West Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 18th September 2011

“Dear people, thank you for so many of you coming out tonight.  There are always attractions at home that stop people from coming.

“So often there is a reason not to come, but tonight is a special evening in the history of this world and for our country in particular, because many forces are at work trying to bring the greater good into the good to remove it from the negative vibrations in which they have been trapped for so long.

“During the last two millennia the words of our Lord Jesus have been diluted, debased and by many trodden into the dust.

“Whether you believe that he was a man who came as a prophet to teach the Way, the Truth and the Life or whether he was the son of God or whether he never existed, really doesn’t matter.

“That may surprise some of you.  After we have gone who will notice?  Only our deeds will be remembered and the deeds of this man who taught in the Middle East on sacred ground, which has been despoiled by Mans greed and hostility to himself.

“Those words still tell us, whether we are a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or Agnostics, they tell us the way to live our lives for the betterment of our souls  and the greater good of all those around us.

“If the people of this earth plane would only remember and think about the teachings that he gave, the stories and the parables that he taught.

“He taught simple messages, not highfalutin philosophy, but simple stories about men and women who lived in those days, so that they could understand and each one had a message for you and for me.

“If we all try to look back at those words, to love our neighbour and not to hate him because he looks differently, we all worship the same God, the same Creator, the Great Universal Force who made this all possible and whether you are entrapped by science or by religion, that doesn’t really matter.

“It’s the way you use your life and your time on this earth plane – that is what matters and remember that when you leave this earth and those heavy burdens are put down, because we are not here just to have a good time.

“We are here to understand some very hard lessons and we all go through pain.  We all go through love, because in order to appreciate love then you have to appreciate some pain.

“God made, if you like, a coin of life and enlightenment and on one side are the things we like and on the other are the things that we don’t like.

“But to have one without the other would be meaningless.  In order to appreciate all the good things you have in life, like our health, sometimes we have to be unwell. 

“So remember that when you pass, you will be met and someone will ask you, “What did you do?  Did you make a difference?  Is the world a better place for our children and our grand children, because you came?”

“Well now, I hope you can say, “Yes.  I didn’t always succeed, but I did all these things and I helped wherever I could.” 

“You can’t do more than you are able, but don’t walk by on the other side, because you can’t turn back.

“Work in love, learn from others, be tolerant for what is good and stand against what is bad and the world will be a better place because you walked here.

“God bless you all.”

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29 August 2011

Eastbourne, East Sussex


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne in East Sussex on Sunday, 28th August 2011

“We are gathered together this afternoon in a place of Spirit and in a place of God, where many of you have brought together your private thoughts, your private needs and your private hopes.

“But because you have come together and brought them together, they are so much more powerful.  God has made us all powerful by allowing through his creation that we too can be creative.

“We have the ability to create original thought and these thoughts, whether we say them or whether we think them, go out from us into the Universe.

“Good thoughts are on a higher vibration and they take love and they are heard and they are answered in the best possible way for us and to those to whom we direct them.

“Unfortunately, there is another side to the coin of thought and that side is the negativity, the hate, the intolerance and all those things, which are spreading like a cancer around this globe that has made it a world that, by and large, worships the material of greed and envy.

“It has reached such a point that our Almighty Father has decreed that enough is enough and instead of this side of the coin, which is filled with light and love and plenty, the other side is manifesting itself.

“The worship of greed and avarice has to be turned down and like the Babylonians, who sacked Jerusalem and took them off into slavery for seventy years, because God said, “You worship me alone and not Baal and all the other Gods.”

“We, by and large, have been worshiping the material as a race and, all around the world, banks and financial houses have been gambling with our money.

“They have turned the world into a huge casino.  People are even selling their shares, which causes the prices to go down, so they can buy them more cheaply and pocket the difference.

“Is that a way to run the world?

“The whole financial system will have to change and the present society will have to be rethought.  “I want it now.  I’ll pay for it tomorrow”.

“How do you know that you can pay for it tomorrow?  You tell that to the Greeks and the Romans and the Irish and the Spanish and so on.

“Tell that to the Americans, where they are now in debt because their bonds are held by the Chinese.  Who is going to rule in this new order of the world?

“What is important is that each and every one of us does our bit, so that we stand up and understand what is happening.  A lot of people are going to be in trouble.

“A lot of people are going to lose their homes and some have done already.  A lot of people will need love and support and we all need to do what we can, especially within our own family.

“We must insure that it is not going to be our children, who use Facebook to go and incite rioting – people who want something for nothing – it is not a happy world.

“Miracles are happening all around the world.  It is important that we see them.  For so long, at least for the last forty years, nobody would have believed that the people would stand up in Libya and pull down the tyrant.

“Syria will pull down a tyrant and in time with Spirits help these countries will be free.  They have to be free.  Oppression is a yoke around our necks.

“It is not only in the Middle East.  Sometimes it’s in the home, when a man has so much ego that he is the number one in the family and everybody else has to do his bid.

“Some women are strong, some men are weak.  Nobody is always depicted by the parallel, but there are families who are in trouble, because they don’t talk to each other and by the time that they have started talking to each other it is too late, because they have already got their entrenched positions.

“Those of us who understand these things must teach our children how we must share, love and hope and, before our children are two, let them start to realise the difference between right and wrong.

“We all know the difference.  Everybody knows the difference.  Even Colonel Gaddafi knows the difference – it’s just that he’s not listening, because he wants all that revenue for himself and now he is paying a price.

“Let us all remember, as Brenda said earlier on, that despite all these sores and spots of weakness and discontent around the world, this is a beautiful planet.

“Let us try and keep it that way.  Let us try and do our bit to make our gardens smile and be happy.  Let our faces smile and be happy.

“Let’s not walk through the streets looking as miserable as some people do.  Smile!

“If they can’t smile back that is their problem, but you are giving them those wonderful vibrations of love and sometimes they share and they realise and they will smile back and they will feel better and so they will go round the corner and smile at somebody else.

“Don’t just sit in your armchair thinking, “I can’t do anything.  I am so small and insignificant.”

“No you are not!  We are all God’s creation.  We all have a will.  We all know what is the right thing to do.  Let us go out and do it for our fellow man and for ourselves.

“To paraphrase what JFK said all those years ago, “Let us not ask God what he can do for us, but let us ask God what we can do for him, for the greater good, for our fellow man and for the future of this planet.
“God bless you all.

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22 August 2011

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,  painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 21st August 2011

“It is such a beautiful evening this evening with clear blue skies and the warmth of the glorious sun, but it is so difficult to realise that beyond where we are there are huge clouds of negativity settling around this world of ours.

“Riots are on our own streets and the oppressed in the Middle East are having the courage to stand up and fight for their freedom.

“The unthinkable on the Stock Exchange as the shares and their value are crashing because of the greed of the people, of the nations of the world, who must have it today and pay for it some time tomorrow assuming that they can.

“Some countries are in severe difficulty.  The only wealth that they have is the substance within that country.  The very homes and communities of the people are at risk.

“But despite all these heavy clouds, the sun is shining and because we all understand that we are spirit and are only here for a short time to learn and to help, we recognise within ourselves the light that God put there, which Jesus ignites and sends out rays of healing and understanding, so that we can not just sit by and say, “Tut-tut, isn’t that awful?”

“Thank goodness there wasn’t fighting on the streets of Tonbridge.  It’s all right in Tottenham – I don’t live there, but it might have been Tonbridge.

“It could be anywhere where there are problems, where people want something for nothing and who aren’t prepared to work, to save up and then go and buy.

“Credit is so easy for all of us.  We have all made the mistake that a little bit of plastic makes us wealthy, but there is always a day of reckoning.

“And so it is with life – those people in the Middle East, who have oppressed their own people, are killing them like vermin just to safeguard their own home and their won security.

“They will have their day of reckoning.  Not only here when their people stand up and say, “That is enough!”

“My life is not important anymore if I can give it to the greater good, so that all my people, my family, my wife, my children and those who are to come can live in freedom and have a choice and to worship in their own way, their own God, to see their own light shining within and shining from others, who they meet.”

“God has had a very bad press of late.  Too many people turn their back on him and don’t want to know.  They have believed that as long as they have got enough material things, then they are okay.

“But are you?  Are we all sure that we are going to be okay when we step through that curtain into the next world, the next dimension and somebody says, “What did you do with your life?  What did you achieve?  What have you done to other people?”

“Spiritual people come to evenings like this and they give their praise to God and the Spirit World.  How many people do not come?  Do not go to any place, where they can come together in a group and give praise and thanks.

“To send out prayers, which are listened to and these prayers for people, who do not know they are being prayed for around the world, are given strength and energy and will stand up for what’s good and what’s right.

“Jesus stood up for what was good and what was right and he paid the ultimate penalty of being killed, murdered if you will, but it was all part of the plan for the greater good.

“If Jesus hadn’t died and hadn’t been resurrected, how would we know for certain that life is eternal and that what we do here in our short time on this earth plane is only a little part, a little cameo, for us to learn about what life is really all about.

“If you have never been lonely, how can you understand love?  If you have never been frightened, how can you understand security?

“The great coin of life, which God made, has two sides.  One which you like and one which you don’t and unless we have a certain amount poundage on the other side, how can we appreciate the good and what it really does mean for all of us.

“There are a lot of wonderful good things in this world that God has given us.  We see the sunsets.  We see the flowers, especially in spring and we see the look in the eyes of a new born babe as it gazes at its mother – almost saying, “Thank you for my life.”

“We all have our own special things that make life special for us.  What we have to do is to remember that each and every person has needs that they can’t fulfil on their own and as long as we do our best to try and help them by talking to them, by letting them cry on our shoulders.

“Whatever it takes, if we can be good Samaritans then we don’t have a problem when we are asked, “What did you do?  Was your life worthwhile?”

“God bless you all.”

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19 August 2011

Seaford, East Sussex

Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church in East Sussex on Thursday, 18th August 2011

“Do not be alarmed.  So many terrible things are happening all around us even in our own villages, in our own counties and our own country.

“There are times when you can feel the negativity of Mankind’s destruction with lack of love for his fellow, his greed and inhumanity to man.

“But one can be forgiven for feeling that it is all too much and that those who are in difficulty, who are getting older and the aches and pains are hurting and the pension is not what it was.

“Although some people who have been working so hard to get their ‘A’s and ‘B’s and a place into a university, so that they can have a secure future.

“May I tell you that today we had a phone call from a mother, who’s lovely daughter had not got an ‘A’ and two ‘B’s, which she needed to go to her first choice university.

“She had lost the ‘A’ by one mark and she was distraught, because she felt that if she wasn’t going to be accepted by her number one choice the second University would not accept her either.

“Now Mustafa had told her mother (Mustafa being Jenny’s 4,000 year old Egyptian holy man guide) that the daughter would just scrape through.

“One mark the wrong side of the line is not scarping through.  Her mother took her daughter down to the university and they tried everything they could, but they wouldn’t take her.  There wasn’t a place.

“We had a phone call just before we came out to say that the second choice did take her.  There was an unconditional place for her there even though she was one mark below.

“Presumably other students had had difficulties and for that second choice the barrier was lowered and she scraped in.  It was very difficult for the mother thinking her daughter had scraped out, if I can put it that way.

“Many, many young people are out there having worked hard and need their place at university and will become good citizens and have a good career helping others.

“But there are some who will not make it.  There are some who haven’t had discipline and love in their families to be strong and to know what is right and what is wrong.

“For people to use Facebook to incite rioting in this country of ours is shameful.

“We all have to start where we can by being firm and being loving and doing our bit and it is never too early to start.

“Already within a couple of years so much is already ingrained in the psyche of each and every one of us, who can’t remember what it was like I suspect to be two and having to make decisions.

“But by the time they are twelve or thirteen or fourteen it is too late and we mustn’t just step back.  We must be proud that we understand the enlightenment that God has given us.

“We have always seeked love.  We all know what love is and we all know what it is like not to have love at certain times in our lives and to feel alone and lost.

“Sometimes, when we have lost somebody very close to us, a parent or a partner and tragically sometimes even a child, there is a gap within us.

“We feel an emptiness that we have lost something very strong and very precious and very meaningful and we simply cannot go on without them.

“God is in our lives, whether call him God or Sir or the Universal Force, the Creative Genius, who put this all together and made it work.

“If he is lacking within us, then we too have a bigger void than the one that we lost and it is important that young people, although they make their own choices, need to know that we are spirit.

“We are ever lasting and whatever we do on this earth plane we will be called to account for what we have done wrong or what we have left undone.

“I would like you to all be smiling when I sit down.  I have said some strong words this evening.  Life is not hopeless.  Prayers are answered and when things are unsettling and difficult and hurtful it has to be put right.

“Like a spot or a boil, once it lanced and the negativity and the poison goes away, then the rebuilding can start and this world will be rebuilt and it will be stronger and the force of Spirit will guide the many people who are on this earth to make sure that that happens.

“Let us all do our little bit and not forget that we are part of a huge greeter good.  Let us think of the greater good before ourselves. 
“Let us think of God, not what he can do for us, but what we can do for him and for everybody else.

“God bless you all.”

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13 June 2011

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 12th June 2011

 “When two or three are gathered together in my name I will grant their requests.

“We are not alone.  This hall tonight is full and over-brimming with the souls of spirit, of those who have come to witness.

“Some of them are your love ones, some of them guide you and many come to learn from you about how you live your lives.

“Not every one comes down at this time to walk upon this earth.  Many have come before and have got it wrong and learned little and have forgotten.

“Few have come a second time.  What point is there if you got it wrong the first time?  You will get it wrong again?  That is what my guide tells me.   

“Of all these people, who come upon this earth plane to struggle and experience pain and emotions of fear and errors, very few live in love.

“So many who are here, are living in fear – we do not know.  Few of us experience what it is like to live in true fear, where even people are frightened to think in case others come and take them away to prison and torture and death.

“This World at this time is filled with a glorious, strong energy that has been sent down from the highest level to give all people courage to stand up and to take personal responsibility, either in their homes or in their work place or in the countries where they live.

“This energy has galvanised people from one to the other.  A young man in Tunisia, who was not allowed to sell his vegetables on the street and protested by sacrificing himself and setting himself on fire inspiring others in that country and then in Egypt and now throughout the Middle East oppressed people are taking the courage and standing up and they are not alone.

“They are with others, like minded, but they are guided by the Spirit, by the strength that forced freedom into their country and to take away the oppressors for they have stood silent too long.

““Why doesn’t God do something?”

“Think about it and learn what is God’s problem and what is Man’s problem.

“If we do nothing and we allow oppression to go on in the home, in the family, in the country, on the face of the Earth, we are condoning it.

“We all have free will and Spirit cannot go against our free will.  If we do not move to be helped and to help others, God is powerless because he gave us the power of freedom, of speech, of mind, of thought.

“Thought is the strongest and most important creation that goes through all people in all countries, on all levels in this world and in the next and the realms beyond right the way through to the Godhead, where purity and love and peace exist.

“We all by our existence and our acceptance of God’s love and life progress towards that great enmity beyond our comprehension from which we came and where we wish to return.

“If we do nothing, we will have nothing and we will have nowhere to go, so we leave this earth plane we shall move to a place where we have decided we wish to be by our actions, by our thoughts, which are also our prayers.

“What we put out for others, so we will reap for ourselves.  It is hard to come out on an evening like this and be told, perhaps you are thinking, I am saying you have got it all wrong.

“I am not saying that.  I am saying that this is the Law of the Jungle.  This is where we live and we have to adapt, we have to struggle, we go through pain and we move on and we progress and change is happening all the time and we have to change with it, but not alone.

“The Master Jesus is with us.  His energies never left.  He is still the Gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven and if we take our steps in that direction and live our lives as he taught us, then we will find peace of mind on this earth plane.

“We will experience Heaven on Earth, but it is no magic portal so when we die we walk through and change into angels if we are not angels in this life, we shall not become angelic.

“Everything that God gives us has to be earned and it is earned by us having love and faith and trust and doing our bit whenever we can for others who are less fortunate than ourselves, so that if our turn should come, then we in turn will be loved and helped.

“Remember that the Bible is a good book.  Man has interpreted the words of the Bible in so many different ways that it is difficult sometimes to realise that the words of Jesus and our Creator, our Almighty Father, do not need to be explained, because we know within our hearts.

“We have our own communication with the Spirit, with the Christ energy and with our Father and nobody can intercede for us.  It is up to us to do our bit to move on, to help and to struggle and to help others with us who struggle too.

“God bless you all.”

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29 March 2011

Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 27th March 2011

"It is a time of joy and miracles and the warmth of the sun has shone down and bedecked the boughs and bulbs that are putting forth their leaves and flowers for our joy and so another miracle of spring has burst forth.

"Another spring, spring is always a miracle as we go through the winter with sadness and the cold, the illness and the wet and the dampness that gets into our bones.

"Any excuse to paint our souls a darker colour than they really are and then suddenly there is a moment when you look out in your garden, over the countryside and over the great beauty spots like Ashdown Forest and Box Hill and the Lake District.

"There is always a moment every year when you look out and say, "It's spring!  God has given us another spring."

"The change from the old has burst forth with this new change of life.  Everything comes to life.  The struggles that you had during the winter are over, if you let them be over.

"If you hang on to the struggles of the past they will always be with you.  The need that you can conquer – the need that you are not alone and know that there is a greater power that has gifts to give you and you are formed beyond the acceptable.

"We put out our hands and say, "Please God may I have?"  Do we do it with the right intentions?

"Do we just want a new car because they have one next door?  Do we want a new television, because we can't be bothered to go into another room to watch it?

"Do we want things because we want them to bedeck ourselves with stones and clothes, so that other people can say, "Oh, they are doing well.  Don't they look nice"?

"But it is better if people look into our hearts and faces and see in our eyes that lightness of our soul and our hearts within, knowing that within us is love, which we want to give out to all that we meet.

"Wherever they come from, whatever colour their skin may be, whatever their level of education is, whatever the wealth that they have in their homes, whatever cars they drive, they are all God's children and deserve our love.

"And do we need all these trappings to say, "Aren't I doing well?"

"Not a single one comes with us when we move on in life.  We cannot take all these things.  We do not need all these things.  We are down here for an experience.

"Our souls, our essence, whatever you call this thing inside this physical body, which is the real you that is to experience all the things around you and that is changed by your experiences and is changed so that you understand what you have been through.

"There is not a single person in this hall tonight, who has not suffered and known what it is like to have hardship in whatever shape that may be given, because we are not down here to go partying.

"We can enjoy ourselves as long as it doesn't affect other people, but we are here to experience and as the experience happens it comes into everybody's lives.

"You can look at the rich and famous and say, "Well, they are all right, they don't have to suffer."

"But you watch.  Either they don't have love in their lives or they don't have health.  There is always something for everybody.

"God is good, but that doesn't mean that he wants us to have an easy ride along this pathway, because otherwise when we go back, and there is a back, and there is a confrontation when we come and people say to us, "What have you done?  What have you learned?  Was your life worth it?"

"And we must be ready for that and if we start thinking about it now, so it is easier when the questions arrive.  We are not here to just enjoy.

"All the physical and wonderful things that there are tempting us in the shops and yet it is all about people and love and what we can do to help.  What we can share.

"If you watch the news and look around the world at the moment, it is in turmoil.

"The physical disasters that have happened in Australia, Japan and now the Middle East where they are fighting because some people want to control people who don't want to be controlled, who have at last woken up and said, "I've got food.  I've got a job", not all of them have but a lot of them have, but what have they not got – freedom.

"Now we take that for granted.  You are free to come here tonight.  You are free to listen to the words that I speak.  You are free to say, "I don't like what you say" and to walk out.

"There are a lot of people in the world today, who can think but not to put it into words or actions, because they would physically have to suffer and their families would physically have to suffer.

"So let us enjoy what we have, what is all around us, the beauty of the flowers of the blossoms as you drive along the road as you go home and you will see tomorrow the flowers in your garden.

"Wonderful and beautiful reminders of the goodness of Almighty God, who made all these things happen, because he made the coin that has all these good things on one side and he allowed the other side to fill with things that would give us  experience.

"All this experience means that we are better able to cope and to help others.  None of us like the hardship.  None of us like the pain, but isn't wonderful when it stops!

"When you have conquered what was really getting at you. Look into your own hearts.  See what is good for you.  See what is good for those around you and give out love and compassion.

"All that we have and all the progression that we are asked to make so that we are better people and we can love more and to help more in this world.

"God bless you all."

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