Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the White Angel Spiritualist Church at Whitstable in Kent on Sunday, 26th April 2009
“‘God’ is a great leveller. Through the Laws of Cause and Effect he invites us to look within ourselves.
“‘God’ is not out there. He is within and within each and every heart there is a little piece of ‘God’, which ‘He’ put there and that is our very being.
“That is our essence. That is what we are and that is what we will take home into the next world where our belovéds already are.
“It is no good looking out for the churches and religions of the World, who are trying to control our hearts, who are trying to control our minds, who are telling us what to do.
“Nobody can tell us what to do except ‘God’ and ‘God’ gave us freewill to choose. We can do what we like providing we realise that when we go home to the Spirit World, to Heaven, we will face the life that we have made.
“All will be able to see as Jesus said “by your fruits so you will be known.”
“And this is true, because in the Spirit World there is no pretence. You are in your spirit body. You are clear. You can be seen through. You can be seen for what you are, for what you have achieved.
“And we don’t want to go up there showing that our intentions were not honourable while we were on this earth plane.
“We want to look within ourselves and to do what we consider to be right. If we do things with the right intentions, we will be loved and we will be looked after.
“If we do things for the wrong intentions we will be faced with the Law of Cause and Effect like the bankers are surely going to be very, very soon. You wait, they will fall.
“The Prime Minister, who had lulled us into this tragedy by appalling decisions, is going to fall by his own hand. You don’t have to wait for me, you just have to watch.
“Bad intentions bring you down. Good intentions – love your fellow man. Ask healing for them. Give them a helping hand.
“Do whatever you can. Give them a smile. Give them some of your time. You don’t have to put your hands in your pocket.
“There are so many things that each and every one of us needs, every so often.
“We are going to go now into the complete downturn with the collapse of the economic decisions that have been made and they are going to get much, much worse. I’m sorry but that’s what it is.
“The Laws of Cause and Effect say that we have condoned what has happened. We have all lived on credit. We have taken out mortgages hoping that we could pay for them.
“We’ve lived on our credit cards. We have allowed the bankers to charge us through the nose.
“We have benefitted from the great bubble that the Chancellor produced and when he was warned that it was going to burst, he took no notice.
“And now he is struggling with a Budget that does nothing but tries to shore up a few voters he thinks will allow him in at the next election for another term of this illusion.
“That will not happen.
“‘God’ has brought about this Credit Crunch by the Laws of Cause and Effect. You cannot go up and up and up.
“The greed and avarice and taking and taking and taking had to stop, because it’s got to come from somewhere.
“You look around the world at all the people there about who suffer because it. Look within yourselves. Find out what is wrong with materialism.
“Think about what is right – what is good – there’s not much in this country at the moment, compared to what it used to be?
“Where is decency? Where is honesty? Where is the education, the Health Service that we were proud of?
“The fact that you could shake somebody’s hand and make a bargain.
“No! Not if they can get out of it and make more money elsewhere. We have got to restore the good things in life.
“We have got to allow ‘God’ to come within us, within our minds. We have got to change our thinking.
“Not, “I want, I want, I want – just what I need to get by. If I have got enough, I can help somebody else.
“This country is going to rock down to the state that it was in after the last World War and the rest of the World is not going to be so different.
“And during those times of war we learnt how to live together, how to help each other, how to be as one.
“We have got to find that out again and it’s going to be tough, but it’s going to be worth it.
“Because we want this country and the rest of the World to be somewhere where our children and grandchildren can grow up and be happy and not be worried sick about what is around the corner the whole time.
“So I invite you in your silence, in your moments, to look within for ‘God’ and you will find ‘Him’ and you will find out what you are and what you stand for and then you can stand up and be proud of it.
“The more of us that do that, the stronger will be the movement that will take us all into better times.
“God bless you all.”
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