Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church in Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 17th February 2011
"Change – the most important word that we could contemplate on, to meditate on, to believe in and to accomplish – nothing ever stays the same.
"We all find ourselves at times in our lives in a comfortable little niche and we don't want to move on. This can happen at any time in our lives.
"Shortly after birth as a baby at our mother's breast filled with the warmth and the love that is all embracing.
"Maybe with our first experience of romance with a member of the opposite sex, of who we thought, "How can it ever be like this? It will never change. It'll always be the same."
"Maybe the first home or the first children, it maybe the comfort of retirement when you have done it all and just want to go out and play golf now and take it nice and easy.
"But looking at a life from beginning to end on this earth plane it is continual change. President Obama said something the other day about Egypt. He said, "This is history."
"And I thought, "Yes, put it another way we went to the supermarket today – that's history, because we've done it."
"It's the magnitude of the past. History is to some people huge, mega. To Noah the flood that he survived is history. He achieved through the angels and his mediums who warned him. Even from the other side the spirits, who said to him, "Build an ark."
"He believed it and he did it and we are being asked almost every day if we listen to our conscience to build an ark and to make changes in our lives.
"Go do something different – we can't just sit and wait and hope it will always be the same. It can't be.
"We came down here as a little speck, if you like of 'God', a little spirit of being, a little essence, to live a life on this earth plane to make a difference to everybody else.
"And we expected and we are taught in schools and by our father, who wants us to do well and our mother who is ambitious for it for the push, "You have got to be material. You have got to achieve.
"You've got to get married. You have got to have a mortgage. You've got to have a good job. You have got to have a lot of material things."
"What is important I feel and I feel we are being told especially at this time of huge global change that we have to make up our minds about materialism.
"We all need certain things. We have a birthright to food, to water, to shelter and in order to live in a modern world then we need transport, we need communications and we need each other.
"We have to look at all these material things and see what we have got and see we need. Don't go and buy another car just because you have got last year's model. Do you really need it?
"You can argue that people have made it and therefore they are in work and you are doing a good thing for them, but you are also using up the world's materials.
"We need certain things. We acquire many things. Many of us have got box rooms, attics and garages stuffed with a whole load of stuff that we have dispensed with and they are still there and we have replace it with something else, when those things could be helping other people, who haven't got anything.
"Materialism is the religion of the world. Think about the labels that are put on certain churches and mosques and so on. Materialism, the consumer, this is the religion that is sweeping this world.
"When you have material things they push away the truth of the spirit, the spirit within and there has to be a balance.
"In the Middle East the balance is changing. It has to change. Through oil and wealth for the grandeur of the few, the many have suffered.
"I am not suggesting that the British Empire and the Roman Empire and the American Empire and the Chinese Empire haven't done exactly the same thing.
"If you are at the top of the heap, people have all the material things you want and it's very hard I can promise you not to insult you, but just to think about it.
"You can have all the material things you could possible want in the world, what are you going to say when you go into the next world with nothing material at all.
"And you are faced with a hundred dead spirits and you will be asked, "What have you done?"
"Have you done the best you could? Have you helped as many as you could or have you been selfish and you have gone off on your trips and just thought about yourself and walked by on the other side when somebody needed that helping hand?
"What are you going to say to whoever greets you in love? You won't be bullied! God is not someone who sits on a throne or stands up here says. "You've been good you can stay. You have been bad you go down."
"That's not God. God does not judge. God had produced this huge universal creation and holds it together intact and the Law of Cause and Effect apply and Mankind at the moment in this material world is destroying this planet and the spirituality that exists.
"More and more material – is that what we want or do we want to be able to feel that our conscience when it pricks us. "Yes, I must go and do that. I know I shouldn't have said that." That's from the Spirit.
"On the other side of the scales you have the greed and avarice saying, "Well I want a new car. That's a blue one. I want a red one this year. I want a new dress. Do I need a new dress? You have only worn that ball gown once."
"It's a balance you need and what's important and remember that our lives are finite. I have had my three score year and ten, so I don't know when I am going to be called.
"But I am not ready to answer those questions and say, "Well I did this and I did that", because I know I've still got a lot to learn and a lot more to do until those vital moments.
"Please just think about what I am trying to say. If life is like a vase on the table it can only take so much. If you fill it with neat spirit then it is the equivalent to God and that is perfect.
"But as material comes in more and more spirit goes out. We must keep ourselves in balance between the material that we need and the spirit, which we shall certainly need plenty of when we go into the next dimension.
"Try and explain to the loving people there what we did with our lives and how we helped the greater good so that everybody was the better for knowing us. That is our ambition.
"God bless you all."
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