12 September 2010

Dorking Awareness in Surrey


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as an Address by Michael Ayers at a Demonstration at Dorking Awareness at Dorking in Surrey on Friday, 10th September 2010

"The whole point of existence is to follow a pathway collecting experiences along the way and progressing back to our Creator who gave us life.

"That sounds very simple, but as you all know it is a very hard and bumpy road, so our Creator gave us, each and every one of us, a little piece of himself, which is within and which you may call it your mind, your consciousness, your essence, whatever.

"It is a homing beacon back to him.

"It is in the quietness, moments like we have just had, that you allow Spirit to come to you and you listen and you trust and you do what they say.  Then the road is not nearly as bumpy as it would otherwise be.

"There are a great deal of people who don't listen, who turn their back on God, the Great International Universal Creative Force.

"He is not a gentleman on a high throne with a gavel saying, "You have been bad.  You go down.  You can stay."

"The days of the Roman judgement are over, except in Rome amongst certain denominations.  God is a word for good.  That is what is important.

"He is not a person who you can dial up or go online and ask questions about.  That is not necessary.

"Beyond our existence here on this earth plane, there are very many people who have walked it, as we are doing now, who have taken thousands of  years of experience to become guides and helpers, so that our road is not so bumpy.

"If we turn away and don't listen, that's fine.  We have that choice.  We have that free will.

"We don't have to do it, but the whole point is that with that little bit of essence within us, that homing beacon, we cannot ignore it forever.

"Forever is a very, very long time.  People may ignore it in this lifetime on this earth plane, but when they step out of body and move into the next stage of this journey, they will have to face the difficulties and realities of how they led their lives.

"I am not going to go into frightening people and say, "Whoa!  You deliberately gave the milkman sixpence short the other day and you didn't chase after him and tell him, therefore you are going down to hell.

"No!  What is important is to live your lives with the right intentions and to always try and do what is best.

"Sometimes the Law of the Land is an ass.  There are always moments when things that are supposed to go that way and you think, "If I do it that way, then the repercussions are going to be that and that isn't right."

"So it is the intentions, and the healers who are here amongst you will know that it is not the time that you spend putting your hands on somebody that channels the great healing force, it is the intention with which you do it – that you want them to get well.

"Jesus was not able to heal everybody.  There are many stories where he 'failed' to heal but one is reminded by the ten lepers who came and asked for healing.

"He knew that although he would have the right intentions their faith in him was not quite strong enough.

"He said, "Go on your way.  Go to the High Priest and show yourself to the High Priest and you will be cured."

"He knew, because he was one of the greatest mediums the world has  seen.  He was told clairaudiently or clairvoyantly that they were not ready.

"But as they went on the journey, their courage and their faith would get stronger and they would go and they would suddenly find that they had been healed of this hideous disease.

"Of the ten, one came back to praise God and to say, "Thank you."

"He invited Jesus and his disciples to his home and he gave them a meal.  He thanked them all and God that he was no longer a leper.

"The point of that story, which is so important, is that when we get help.  We must recognise that help and we must say, "Thank you" and we mustn't be ungrateful, because it is important to recognise the evidence that we are given.

"It takes time on this journey and some people are in a different places on their journey.  Some people, you might think, are further ahead spiritually, but that isn't so.

"Because we are all in different places, we are all where we are meant to be and we are all experiencing the opportunities that are placed in our path.

"If we would look at them as an opportunity, as a chance, to move on to get it right and feel that glow that we feel within when we know that you have done something right.  There is nothing wrong with that.

"You don't allow your ego to go bubbling up and say, "Whoopee!  Look at what I have done.  I've given the church some money, put up a plaque for me!"

"No, that's not going to help.  But within you, you know that you helped that old lady because she was struggling.  You go away feeling, "I got that right.  I have got another Brownie point up in my box in Heaven!"

"Since I mentioned Heaven, perhaps I could explain from my point of view what Heaven is and where it is.

"You won't find it on any great map, the great galactic map.  "Oh, there's the planet Heaven, it's a long way off!"  No, it's not you know!

"Heaven is very, very close to us all and if you read or listen to the great teachers of which Jesus was one, and there are many others of other denominations, who I am not going to talk about tonight because I understand Jesus' teaching the most.

"But if you are from a different sector, don't think I am being biased.  If you look at the teaching from all these people, these great prophets who have come down, they are all saying the same thing.

"Mankind is interpreting them in many different ways and this is the problem – so often people think, "I've got it right!  I am going to be saved.  I am going to sit up with God.  A pity about you lot, you don't know.  You haven't got it right."

"You must be generous.  You must understand that nobody has a right to go and be with God until they have fulfilled everything which is necessary – all those experiences that you have in this lifetime on this earth – to move on.

"Heaven is attainable to each and every one of you here and now.

"It is a state of mind, which you can only bring to yourself in pureness of thought and of the deed and to think of others and not be frightened to have anything that you may loose.

"Jesus was crucified and stripped bare of everything he had except that little piece of God that he took with him and he came to show us that it is possible.

"We don't need all the materialistic things that we think we do.  Sure we need some of them.  We need our car to get home tonight.  That is not wrong, but we use it for the right reasons.

"So thank you for listening to me.  I hope you found something in the words that have been spoken here that have caused you to think.

"Perhaps in a slightly different way, so that you can make decisions to help you to move on and to go towards that state of mind, which we all try and achieve - Heaven on Earth within ourselves.

"God bless you all."

06 September 2010

The Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent


Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers

Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Chalice of Light at Tunbridge Wells in Kent on Sunday, 5th September 2010

"I want to ask you this evening a question, which perhaps you will spend the rest of your life on this planet pondering and trying to answer.

"Are you afraid of going to heaven?

"Because if you are not, you are either there and very saintly or you are very arrogant and think you have already got a bus pass to our Creator's future place for us.

"Heaven is not something you can find on the map of the Universe.  Heaven is a state of mind in which you live.

"Jesus taught us to strive to find Heaven upon Earth.  It is not a distant place.  It is a reality in which we exist.

"Now if we are afraid of anything, being late for work in the morning, not having done our homework, what the solicitor is going to say to us.

"Whatever is out there for us, there are things of which we are afraid, because we don't know what the answers are.

"Very often when we go and meet them head on, they are not as bad as we feared, but fear is a dark emotion.

"Fear is negativity and like the darkness it can only be driven out by light and light is love and we are made, each and every one of us, in our Creator's love.

"He has put within us a little piece of himself, which we call perhaps our soul, our mind, our essence, our very being.  That is the greatest gift that we will ever receive, because it has given us existence.

"That existence lasts for ever more.  We are confined in our earthly mind and we cannot expand it enough to appreciate the vastness of eternity – the vastness of this Universe.

"If you look up on a clear night and you see the stars that go on and on out of sight, because there are so many and they go so far.  That is where we live – in that great Universe.

"Heaven is not one of those stars.  Heaven is a state in which we exist and live and create for ourselves a future, which will be heavenly if we get it right.

"Therefore I suggest to you that there is every reality within us to be frightened of not achieving that state of mind, either here or in the next world or in the many other lives we will live in other worlds.

"Not reincarnations but steps, you can't get from this earth plane directly on a bus that is going to take you straight to God.

"It's a very long journey and we will have to take it in steps through many lifetimes in many places out in that great Universe in the hope that one day we will make it and we will become a part of that Creative Force who gave us life.

"In order to achieve that, to find this oneness with God ,our Creator, we have to let go of everything that we have.

"Somebody once said, "Don't ever cling on to something that you are not prepared to let go."

"Don't be frightened to loose any of your great possessions, because if you are they will hold you back.

"We all have things which are important to us.  We all have things that we wouldn't like to see as a space on the shelf, because they have gone.

"If they are sufficient that we are afraid to loose whatever those things are, then how can we move on?

"How can we attain a heavenly state?  How can we be able to help that person across the road, if we are afraid of their reaction to us going up and grabbing them by the arm and saying, "Look, be careful."

"We have to open ourselves into a state of being when we are worthy to be looked upon by the Creator who gave us life and Jesus came down to this Earth to live a life helping other people, with no possessions but his heavenly gifts to show us how to do it.

"He, in his mind, created heaven on Earth and this is where we need to all try and go, if we are going to find that transition out of this body, because the time will come when we will die, because we are born we have to die.

"But that death is only a rebirth into the next place, so I ask you to think about it.

"Are you afraid of going to heaven?

"Let the love come into your minds.  Our minds are just a ball of thought and if we keep those thoughts positive, you will rise and will be uplifted.  Allowing the fear and the negativity then we fall and we can't do what we know we should do.

"So think about it in those quiet moments and be strong and push fear aside.  Ask for help.

"Jesus is with each and every one of us and many in Spirit help us on this difficult journey.

"Thank you.  God bless you all."

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