Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor , Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church at Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 12th August 2010
"You must always remember that God loves us all. He does not allow us to come down to the Earth under the heavy negativity of the earth plane to be bored.
"In this life there is no opportunity to sit around and think, "What on Earth am I going to do today?" It is difficult enough fitting everything in to please God.
"There is so much that is needed to do and those words of Francis of Assisi that we have just sung, "Make me a channel of thy peace" – if only all upon this earth plane would take those words and try and bring peace into every situation that is presented to them.
"We all fail. Peace is not something that happens only between Nations. Peace is an understanding, an unconditional love, between two people – any two people.
"Not just your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your mother, your father, your husband, your wife – anybody.
"We have a responsibility to each other to try and bring peace into the hearts and minds of our neighbours, many of whom we do not even know, but who might be grateful for at least a smile as you pass them in the street.
"At least a little understanding if their dog barks a little too loud. We are all a little too ready to think about us. That awful Americanism, "Think of number one!"
"No, put number one last and think of all those others that you affect, that you meet, that you pass many times a day, millions of times throughout your life and often you don't realise, or perhaps I should say we don't realise, that we are too busy rushing by on our own road to notice those who are travelling with us,
"All are trying to make ends meet, not only in financial terms, but in mental terms by keeping their energies straight and to the point and not hurting others.
"There are many givers in this world, but there are not enough. There are far more takers – people who are happy to put out their hands and receive and give nothing back, sometimes not even a thank you.
"But we, with spiritual hearts and minds, know that we are here to help. Not to pour our love and our efforts into the sand like a glass of water in the desert, but look around and see where we can most help. Who is in most need?
"Because we are all here to learn and those that are brought to us we must recognise. Let us try and do something about it.
"Let us try and not walk by on the other side and let somebody else do it, a mistake we do well. I'm not going to bother. Why should I put myself out?
"Because the time will come for all of us when we are in need of that helping hand and if we have never put out a hand to help another, why should we receive God's love and spirit?
"We all have things that are given to us – time, opportunity, that ear, that shoulder. Let us all do what we can and hope that when our time comes, when we put out a thought and say, "Please. I can't cope with this alone."
"Then the great World of Spirit will send to us that helping hand, that wonderful ray of love that shows us that we are not alone and that we are all looked after, if only we would recognise it and say, "Thank you."
"God bless you all."
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