Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor , Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Tonbridge Spiritual Centre at Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 11th July 2010
"You all know deep within, although you may have forgotten, that you came down from Spiritual Planes to serve a short amount of time on this particular plane of existence.
"I use the word 'serve' advisedly. Not as you serve a prison sentence, but as you live and serve others, who are around you.
"We have all come to help others on the difficult paths of life and in return we experience emotions and energies that we might find unpleasant, but which we have to conquer.
"Fear is the biggest of these emotions in terms of negativity. In terms of positiveness, love is the greatest emotion and as light always shines out into darkness and illuminates what is there, so love without condition will always overcome fear.
"As we all go through this 'mortal' life, we have opportunities offered to us by circumstances, by the Father, by our spiritual guides, so that we are given opportunities to serve others and to progress ourselves through our experience of being here.
"Life is continuous. We already lived in Spirit before we came and when we eventually step out of that body into which we came at the beginning, what people call 'death' – there I have said that wicked word that nobody likes – 'death'.
"Does it frighten you? Is it a bad word? All 'death' is that you step out of your physical body, which has served you well and you continue living on as you are.
"You don't suddenly find yourself purified and glorified. You are no Angel up in Heaven. You are still yourself, but out of the physical body.
"Those who do not understand the spiritual way and the meaning of spiritual life, who turn their backs on 'God' and step out of the physical body into darkness and the cold and the negativity of being stuck on the earth plane, have many lessons to learn.
"But you all by your presence here understand that life is continuous and we are going towards the light, towards the Spirit World in the hope that we attain a mental state of mind, which we call 'Heaven'.
"If you believe that 'Heaven' exists as a place, I am here to disillusion you. As you go along your life there will be no signpost by the side of your pathway saying "Heaven this way."
"Heaven is within and you can be in 'Heaven' here on Earth if you are happy, if you are good, if you try and help others along the pathway and then when it is your turn, when your body says, "This is enough. I am broken down. I can't sustain your soul, your mind, your essence any longer" and you step out, because of your understanding you step out into the light.
"And you know where to go – into the World of Spirit, where those who you love, your friends and family who have gone before, who have led exemplary lives on Earth, they will be there to greet you.
"'Death' is not a horrible thing. It is a release from suffering. You will step out and no longer feel the pain of past injuries, of old age, of whatever you have had to carry up to that time.
"Those who do not understand that 'God' is loving and kind do not find the light.
"So many out there who wouldn't dream of coming into this hall to be told that their life is meaningless, because they only worship money and possessions and want to do their own thing and to hell with anybody else!
"Then the 'Hell' in their lives is within their minds, as within yours 'Heaven' is in your own mind and so they will be stuck and have to learn to serve before they can move on, you have served and you will move on.
"But you will always be moving on through eternity along the various planes of existence, ultimately towards the Godhead, who gave each and every one of us life and understanding.
"In your quiet moments try and think 'God'. You cannot be 'God' except for that little part within you which is your conscience that tells you what is right and wrong.
"But if you try and think, "That is a terrible thing that has happened, how would 'God' think about that?"
"How would 'He' see the goodness in the carnage? Everything that happens has another side to the coin. Look twice.
"Somebody dies. They move on and they leave a family of young people and a husband who doesn't really care. That's tragic.
"But look at the other side of the coin to the opportunities that can and will be brought to the husband and to those children, so that they may learn to cope on their own, with help from others and help from that soul who passed into the light, who after a period of rest will come and whisper thoughts into the consciousness of those that she loved.
"Be at peace. Don't be frightened. 'Death', as somebody once said, "is an adventure." Until we go through those Spiritual Doors by stepping out of our body, we don't know.
"But if we have been good, we believe that it will all be there for us to understand and the opportunities of being free of the weight and negativity of our physical bodies and the global negativity will free our minds into understanding, so that we can move on and progress in love and peace and harmony to be fit to join the others who have already gone to the Spiritual Plane and to understand the beauties that we have been taught about.
"If only we have listened to the words of the Great Prophets, of Jesus and others, who if you read from a spiritual point of view, told you all about these things and how to live.
"Think well about it. God bless you all."
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