Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor , Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church at Gossops Green in West Sussex on Sunday, 13th June 2010
"I have come here tonight through many realms to be in this little building within this area that I am a reliably told is called East Sussex.
"England has done much over many generations to help the plight of men, women and children around this globe.
"Not all of these have been right, but this nation more than any other has taken a part in spreading good things around this World.
"In recent times the influence of this small nation has shrunk away and the needs are now coming, where from this nation will spread out through 'God's' Almighty hand to bring changes, to bring understanding and to bring enlightenment to those who are lost in the Darkness of Ignorance.
"Too many people have rushed around the globe gathering what they want, filling their pockets with greed for more than they need and taking from those who have already so little.
"Each and every person born upon this planet has a right to food and water and shelter and this World is now so commercial that you even have to go into your pockets to pay for a drink of water in many instances.
"Where has this commercialism come from except from the negativity that is swamping the light of Spirit?
"Each and every one of you has a soul, has an essence, a purpose, a thought process given to you by Almighty 'God' and it is for you to use that to the best of your ability.
"Because when you come home to Spirit you will be asked, "What have you done?"
""Is this plane of existence a better place because you came or have you filled your pockets and your bellies and your cupboards with good things, which you cannot take with you when you go home?"
"Far better to work for what you need and to give what you don't need to people who are deserving.
"Not the people who sit on their backsides with their hand out saying, "I am too lazy to work, gimme, gimme, gimme."
"No, the people who work and who try and are doing their best and even with very little, they help others.
"They are deserving and we all, perhaps, have things in our attics and in our garages that we don't really need any more, but somebody else might find them extremely useful.
"Think about what you will say when your life is reviewed in the next world.
"You do not come into court in front of Almighty 'God' who say, "You have been good, your stay, you have been bad, you go down."
"The Great Intelligence Force of the Universe has better things to do than to judge you.
"Although that might be frightening enough, the truth, for me, is more frightening than that, because we have to judge ourselves when we see how we have behaved.
"Through this process, when you have not been so good, you will feel the pain that was inflicted upon others when you thoughtlessly behaved that way.
"The other side is where you have been good and have helped and given love and healing and understanding. You will feel the warmth within and know that you made a difference.
"I ask you all, my friends, to consider, before it is too late, because it is no good going to the priest and saying, "Please absolve me of my sins."
"He can't do a darn thing.
"What you have done, you have done and let's hope that the scales, when you review your life, like the Egyptians who weighed your heart or would weigh your heart against a feather.
"If the scales tipped, then you wouldn't go to the gods.
"Let us hope that you are deserving and feeling what your existence has meant to others around you, that the scales are full on the side of plenty, of love, of understanding, of peace, of healing.
"And they don't cost a thing…
"God bless you all."
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