Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor , Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church at Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 22nd April 2010
"What we must ask ourselves is who or what is 'God'?
"The word God crops up in every prayer, in every hymn, in our thoughts, in many books and in great literature.
"We all must have our own experience, our own definition, our own feeling of what 'God' is.
"The word GOD is easy. It comes from the word GOOD.
"I get a little upset when people saying, "'God' can do anything!"
"No. He can't do anything bad. He can't do anything hurtful.
"'GOD' is LOVE.
"'God' is the Creator. 'He' made all that we know. 'He' made us and 'He' gave us that little spark of consciousness, that essence, our soul if you like, but 'He' put something within us all.
"That I believe is a part of 'Him'. I say 'God' is 'Him', not because I am sexist, but I cannot bring myself to call 'God' "IT".
"'God' is too important. The word, whatever we call 'Him' does not matter, as long as we know that somewhere beyond our reason of understanding, there is a great controlling force.
"So that two and two always make four, so that the planets don't collide, so that the primroses come up every spring.
"So that we have food and water and shelter - not everybody does, but it is all there throughout the World if we look for it.
"If we share what is there amongst ourselves, then there is enough to go round.
"There are too many people at the moment who have got more than their share.
"The bankers want more money. It is their business to have money. Why shouldn't they have more money?
"Because it is our money and it should be shared out, so that we all have enough.
"Not all of us want to have Rolls Royces or Ferraris.
"We can get by very happily with our old bangers, our Minis or our VWs – as long as it gets us from A to B when we need to get there.
"Like Jenny and I coming here tonight. It doesn't matter what we come in as long as we leave in time and Spirit stretches the time if we get held up, so we can arrive nicely and a few minutes before, to meet you and to work with you all.
"There are always wonderful energies here in Seaford . We always enjoy coming and I always remember what Robin said to us the first time that we came.
"When he booked us in he said, "We have our Divine Service on Thursday!"
"Why not! Every moment of our lives is a Divine moment, because we are alive and every moment that we have ahead of us will be Divine.
"And it not a question of four score years and ten, it is a question of the whole of eternity that we will all spend to try to get back to where we started.
"To get that little essence within us back to the heart of the great controlling system of the Universe, which is in fact what I think 'God' is.
"We have been talking recently about our lives being strands like individual bits of a cobweb and how when you touch one of them – others move.
"If you think of the whole of the Universe, the whole of Creation, everybody is a strand of that cobweb and 'God' is somehow controlling all those strands together, so that they don't break or so that they don't burst, so all the things that 'He' has created in love are safe.
"Remember, when you say those words, you put them out into the Universe.
"It doesn't matter whether you call them prayer or whether you just put out thoughts – remember, they are not going to a person.
"They are going to a great 'Higher Being', who understands everything that is going on.
"Not only the totality of life and existence, but what you need and what you need and what I need.
"If you ask in the right way, it will certainly come.
"Remember, that between us and 'Godhead' are all the guides and all those people who love us.
"Our family, our friends who have gone and those who have taken it upon themselves through great years of experience, thousands of years for some them, who come to look after us and to guide us on our path.
"Is it too much to ask that we listen to what they have to say to us?
"And trust them that they know better than we do, which way we should go and how we should live our lives for the benefit of those around us and not just for ourselves?
"We must remember the greater good is greater than we are.
"So let us all try and do our best. It is easy to stand here and say, "I am going to do good tomorrow. I'm going to do more tomorrow."
"We must remember that tomorrow that we must go out and do it.
"Thank you. God bless you all."
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