Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Tonbridge Christian Spiritual Church in the Old School Hall, Hadlow in Kent on Sunday, 2nd August 2009
“I am very pleased to see you all here this evening, because I know this is where you are meant to be.
“You have given up the sunshine and the glorious evening that ‘God’ has given us and you are here in this chapel of love supporting Sue, who makes it all happen.
“It is a very special evening this evening, because if you think back it is different to all the other evenings you have known.
“Why? Because you are not in them any more! You are here in this evening. All those evenings have gone. They are but memories and all the evenings that are to come have not yet arrived.
“So this evening is very special, because you are here and that is where you are meant to be.
“I am going to change the question of life around a bit for a moment, because if you think you are here in the ‘now’ and that you are stationary, not static but stationary, and ‘God’ and Spirit and events and your reactions bring adventures and experiences to you where you are.
“We always think we are hopelessly rushing about! Stop and think for a moment that you are here and now.
“Not where you were this afternoon, not where you will be tomorrow morning, but here and you have had all these experiences which have come to you and all those experiences which are still to come.
“It is all change around you and we must be prepared for change, because although we may be static here receiving our lot, whatever comes to us.
“It is changing and we are growing and getting bigger and older and more experienced, so that each and every time a new exciting thing happens to us we learn from it.
“We move on, but we have to be prepared, when that is not right, when that is finished, to let it go and not be afraid of what there is there, because something will come in to replace it.
“Nothing ever stays the same. We are bombarded by experience.
“We are not down here just to watch television, just to fall in love, get married, have children and die. We are here to experience the life that ‘God’ made.
“‘He’ knows everything and I am privileged at the moment to be reading a book by a scientist called The Genesis Enigma in which he says, “This is what we know, this is how it happened – a great bang and all these things happened.”
“He was in the Sistine Chapel looking up at the ceiling and suddenly he thought, “Why hasn’t anybody seen this before? Genesis 1 is right!”
“Read Genesis 1 and listen to what ‘God’ actually said through those scribes who wrote it.
““Let there be light” – big bang, it all happened! “Let the waters divide. Let the creatures multiply and come out of the sea.”
“This is all now scientifically proven through the fossil beds. It is all there!
“Yet we say, “That old book! What does it mean? The New Testament is all right because it has lovely stories about Jesus in it, but the Old Testament is just a Jewish history book.”
“I must admit that is what I though Genesis was! Adam and Eve and it was just a way to explain it all and ‘God’ couldn’t do it in six days!
“No, ‘He’ did it perhaps in six eons or whatever you like to call it, but all these things are going on around us. We are evolving individually, as people and those creatures so long ago and those plants evolved and are still evolving.
“Nothing is stationary. Unless we allow ourselves to be bogged down, because we are frightened of change and we are frightened of the fear that might happen if there is a bogey man around the corner.
“If we go looking for the bogey man around the corner you can bet your bottom dollar that he is going to be there!
“Why don’t we take the courage and the power that ‘God’ has given us through our guides, through the Spirit World, to all those up there who know what it is like down here because they have been here, who are trying to help us.
“Why don’t we realise that they are trying to help us and instead of looking for something nasty round the corner, why don’t we ask that the Angels to be there, to greet us, to show us what to do and then to be patient until the answer to our prayer comes in?
“It is ever so simple really. It is very hard to do.
“That is why we have people like Jenny, who are going to give some of you messages, because you haven’t quite got things – the right spark, the right inside.
“Look within yourselves. Find that you are powerful, because we all are and where we are at this very moment is where we are meant to be and let’s enjoy it.
“Let us be prepared for what is going to come in and be ready, because it’s always better than we think it’s going to be.
“Love ‘God’. ‘He’ loves you.
“God bless you all.”
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