Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Tunbridge Wells Christian Spiritualist Church in the Quaker’s Hall on Sunday, 5th July 2009
Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud,
painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Tunbridge Wells Christian Spiritualist Church in the Quaker’s Hall on Sunday, 5th July 2009
“You are actually living through very exciting times.
“Great change is happening all around the World and although you may all have your own personal worries about how you are going to make ends meet, pay the rent, pay the mortgage, and do all those things that are going on in your little lives.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but little in the sense that compared to ‘God’ we are so pathetically small as are children.
“‘He’ has taken the stance, ‘He’ has taken the decision that this World in which we live has to change and it has to start changing now.
“These in the old days would be called Biblical times, because these changes are massive.
“Who thought that the American people would get together and vote for a black President, who doesn’t just stand up and take the money of the big corporations of America for doing the laws that they want.
“Here is a man who does have a direct line to ‘God’. Bush’s line wasn’t functioning. He was supposed to have had a direct line and so was Tony Blair and where did that get them?
“If they had picked it up and listened, warmongering, greed, the destruction of the society in which they lived.
“Promises, promises, promises – do you remember ‘education, education, education’? And they still haven’t got it right twelve years later.
“What are we going to do? We can no longer depend on what we thought was something safe and solid and admirable.
“Our democracy and the House of Commons, crumbling within and we have to be prepared to stand up when we feel it is right and say, “Enough is enough.”
“We want to have the people there that we can trust to govern us and when we have the opportunity we must do something about it.
“It’s no good just looking at the papers and listening to interviews saying, “Oh tut-tut. Isn’t it terrible?”
“We have got to be prepared to do our own bit in our own lives.
“I am not talking about making a placard and going up to 10, Downing Street and saying, “I’m not voting for you!”
“I am taking about taking responsibilities in our own lives in our own way, to stand up for those things that we know are right.
“Somebody behaves badly. It is no good turning away and saying, “Isn’t that terrible?”
“Somebody has to say, “Excuse me. You should not behave like that to that old lady. You should not slam the door in her face.
“You should not blow your smoke into the face of a pregnant woman. You should not molest or malign that child.”
“We all know within ourselves, within our lives, what we need to stand up for.
“I am not here to tell you, because within us all when ‘God’ made us, ‘He’ made us in ‘His’ own image.
“‘He’ gave a bit of ‘His’ great and glorious divinity, which is inside us, which is our soul, which is our very essence and that is what you hear, when you listen.
“Oh no, I mustn’t do that! That is wrong.”
“We are born with this great knowing of what is right and what is wrong – that is ‘God’s divinity within.
“We all have a conscience and I remember hearing on the television somebody saying, “I can be evil because I don’t listen to my conscience!”
“Wow! It is the only line of that programme that I have ever heard that made sense to me.
“If you don’t listen to your conscience you are condoning what is going on.
“So live in hope and live in trust and believe in yourselves, because we all have the power of ‘God’ within us and let us use it for his glory and not turn our back on it and leave it in the darkness.
“God bless you all.”
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