Michael's Higher Guide and Mentor, Red Cloud, painted by Jenny Ayers
Given as the Address by Michael Ayers at Divine Service at the Seaford Independent Spiritual Church at Seaford in East Sussex on Thursday, 5th March 2009
“Now I want you all to lighten up a bit. (Laughter) You are all sitting there with you facial muscles clammed tight. It must be so painful. (Laughter)
“Now we have got smiles. That’s more like it. The more you smile the lighter your vibrations, the closer you are to the ‘Godhead’.
“Now I want to tell you something that I think perhaps you won’t know. The people at the spiritualist church down the road, a further down the coast, they think that Spirit has no sense of humour whatsoever. (Laughter)
“I want to tell you that in the Spirit Realms we have nearly all the wits that have ever walked this Earth. This is how we keep our vibrations up. We are happy.
“It’s not all doom and gloom down here. There are other sides to the coin and I want to tell you another thing.
“We have a Prayerometer. Now a Prayerometer is rather like your barometer at home that you tap in the morning to see if you have been given the right weather forecast, where you have the mercury column going up the middle.
“Now this works because the heavy vibrations press down and they push up a column, which is all the prayers that you send up to your guides and to the ‘Godhead’.
“We all hear them. We can’t all answer them, because they are not all of the right intention. We can’t all have a Rolls-Royce to go and get your paper in the morning. (Laughter)
“But when you pray with the right intention, for the best reasons, then we do our very best to answer them.
“The lightness of our vibrations are so important. How many people on this earth plane are weighed down with problems?
“We’ve all got problems! But do we need to worry about whether we can really afford to run that second car?
“Should we really be spending money on the third television set in the bedroom that has gone on the blink?
“There are far more important issues at stake and at this particular time when there is doom and gloom all round the World, our Prayerometer is rising high.
“Because when there are times like this people think, “How am I going to get by? How am I going to cope?”
“They think, “Where can I get help?”
“It’s no good going to the Government, they haven’t got a clue! (Laughter) You can’t go round to your neighbours. They are not all spiritual people.
“Sometimes they’d rather not help or look you in the face and you have been helping them for yours!
“But where you ask for help, there is always the hope and the belief that ‘God’ does exist.
“That ‘He’ did make us and that ‘He’ is listening and that ‘He’ has got the greatest wisdom in the World, in the Universe and that ‘He’ has the greatest love and capacity to care, to help if only you will do things ‘His’ way.
“So often we want it our way, don’t we?
“We only want to do things on our terms, because we think we know best. We think we know our problems better than he does.
“Better than our guides do. They chose to work with us, poor things!
“They know us better than we know ourselves and what we have got to do, is to realise that we are not alone and even when things are dark at times, when things are going wrong all the way round the World - good things are happening.
“Good people are coming out. People who have come down from the Realms above, who were put in place a long time ago.
“You don’t think that ‘God’ has been sitting up there all this time saying, “Tut-tut I’ll have to do something tomorrow if they keep going on like this.”
“No, it’s been known for a long time. Even the Queen knew about it!
“She said, “Why didn’t anyone see it coming?”
“Because they were too busy being greedy. All the time they were taking risks and they were paying off, they continued to pour money out there.
“It’s like going to Ladbrokes every day and putting a fiver on a horse. Then the next time you put five hundred pounds on and it works, so what are you going to do next time?
“Go home and not do it any more? No, you put a thousand pounds on it and up and up and up…
“The bubble has got to burst and it gives us, all of us down here on Earth, whether we come from Spirit as helpers or whether we come as individuals living our lives on Earth.
“It gives us the opportunity to stop and look and think about us and our lives and what is really important.
“Because when things are good, when the pay packet is coming in and you have got plenty of money and you are having your fourth holiday of the year this month and all these things – you are not really bother about ‘God’, because you don’t need ‘Him’.
“Only when things are bad.
“So remember to talk to ‘Him. Remember to ask for guidance. Remember to give ‘Him’ your love and allow us in the Spirit World to come to direct you.
“This is what we like to do most and later on Jenny will be bringing messages to you, from people who are real, from people who you know and people who care about you.
“So you see the messages are real. Allow us to come. Allow us to help and smile. Please relax those faces.
“Keep smiling. Don’t you feel better? I feel better just watching your faces.
“Break out the smile, so you make me feel better and I hope you feel better too.
“God bless you. Good night.”
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